среда, 6 июня 2012 г.


Tactical Law Enforcement / SWAT Trainer
Will Brink Reveals His Battle Tested Bodybuilding Program For Transforming
Average Joe Physiques in Record Time.
You'll Discover Unique Training Concepts Which Result in Consistent
Gains In Lean Muscle Mass - Exactly Which Supplements Are Worth
While & Which Are Total Junk & How To Fuel Your Body In A Manner 
Which Triggers Your Bodies Own Muscle Building Hormones Naturally.

But You Must Know - There are NO Magic Bullets !
Just Scientifically Proven Methods , Combined With Hard Work That
Accelerate Muscle Growth & Strength Exponentially When Followed Correctly.

Are you Bored Senseless With the 
"Gain 30lbs in Muscle in 30 Days HYPE" ?

I'm not going to make those kinds of ridiculous claims, I have a reputation to protect. Making wildly exaggerated claims to separate people from their wallets is NOT how I do business.
Trust me, whenever you see these kind of claims it's BS. It's just outrageous claims (lies) designed to con people into spending money on sub-par unproven "buddy science" programs.
I decided to put my two decades of experience as an elite high level trainer, writer researcher, columnist for the major bodybuilding/fitness magazines, NPC judge, etc, down on paper.
Introducing Bodybuilding Revealed
After nearly a year of hard work, I condensed nearly 20 years of bodybuilding knowledge and results into a total "all in one" system called Body Building Revealed.
This muscle building program has been designed so you can custom tailor it to your requirements from the very start. If you utilize the program as I outline it, you will see rapid improvements, gaining lean muscle mass, strength and losing fat, working with your natural genetics without crazy supplements and dangerous drugs.

Here's Just A Tiny Taste Of What You're Going To Discover in Bodybuilding Revealed

Nutrition & DietHow to eat to optimize your body's natural muscle-increasing hormones. Stop shoveling down calories endlessly hoping for muscle gain when all you get is FAT. Learn how the real experts do it.

Discover the three main factors
 that determine whether you gain muscle mass or not. We can control two of them (and that's enough to produce major improvements in lean muscle).
The Truth About the optimum amount of protein you need to gain muscle mass? This is scientifically proven to be the maximum amount needed. Do you need the ultra high protein diets?
Why almost everyone is dead wrong about PRE & POST WORKOUT NUTRITION & NIGHTIME NUTRITION. Discover what the real studies prove to be true about pre and post workout nutrition, you would be surprised. Plus the absolute best timings for pre and post workout nutrition.
 Discover the "Top 10" muscle-building foods that are "must haves"for gaining lean body mass. Also, find out which foods you should avoid like the plague, if you want to get ripped (and stay that way!).
Avoid the biggest mistakes people make when setting up their muscle building diet. Understand how to set up a proper diet for gaining lean muscle mass including topics such as: macro and micro nutrients, some metabolism basics, calculating proteins, carbs, fats and total calories, basic effects of food on hormones etc. This will remove the mystery which surrounds meal planning and the foods you eat. Once you know this you will soon be able to see REAL differences in muscle gains.
Get the real lowdown on Vegetarians vs. Meat Eaters - Vegetarians have long argued that meats are not necessary in our diet in order to gain muscle mass... but is it true? Will explains with the use of recent real world data.
Get informed about insulin (the primary hormonal mediator of fat storage). It's often said insulin is a primary anabolic hormone produced by the body, but few people know how to use it to their advantage. Understanding the concept of "insulin management" is key to putting on lean mass with a minimum of body fat. I'll explain exactly what you need to know so you can get to your ideal physique quicker.
 It's not just what you eat, but when you eat it that counts. Find out how to use "nutrient timing" to boost muscle growth.

Supplement ReviewsYou won't find more than a half dozen people in the US, who have my experience in the supplement business. Dissecting supplements and spilling the beans on what's junk (most of it sadly) and what's worth your hard earned cash is something I have 20 years experience of.
Read Over 60 Supplement Reviews!
Me, testing another label supplement claim.
In "Bodybuilding Revealed" you’re going to be able to read over 60 fully researched, unbiased supplement reviews based on 15 years experience in the supplement industry.

Most supplements have no real science to support their use and are, to put it mildly, total scams. There are some, however, which are effective, safe, and supported by real data.
I'll go through each and every one of these supplements and separate the marketing hype from the reality, where facts and science talk and BS walks! Each supplement is broken down into an easy to read format as follows:
  • What is It? What is it Supposed To Do?
  • What Does the Research say?
  • What Does The Real world (user feedback) say ?
  • Final Recommendations, dosage, type, timing etc if applicable.
Want to see an example review? 
Download the Creatine Review here: 
(Right Click - Save As.. )
Never waste another dime on worthless, ineffective supplements. I'll show you what to look for, and how to avoid supplement company tricks designed to separate you from your money.
Quit blowing money on so-called "high tech" (and high priced!) performance drinks. I'll show you how to "roll your own" instead. You'll get better results AND save money in the bargain.
Is that high-tech, sciency-sounding ingredient for real? Or is it "label decoration" designed to fool you into emptying your wallet? I'll show you how to cut through the BS.
A dirty little secret many supplement companies hope you don't find out.
Would you take 1/10th of an aspirin to cure a headache? Of course not. So why take a supplement that gives you useful ingredients...in tiny, USELESS amounts? Use my 'Supplement Scoreboard' to make sure the ingredients are in effective DOSES.
 If a supp isn't a good muscle builder, it's worthless, right? Wrong!There are supps that have amazing health benefits, even if they don't give you 'sleeve-ripping pumps.' Find out which ones!
On a budget? Get your priorities straight. Learn which supplements you "NEED" to have, vs. the ones that you can do without despite what so called "experts" say.
Not sure about a particular supplement ingredient or brand? Follow the links from the BBR e-book to the BBR Inner Circle for over 440 brand name supplement reviews and ingredients.
 Still confused about a supplement? Then ask me all about it. I'm on the BBR Inner Circle forum everyday, along with my trusted staff of advisors, to help you decide what to buy. The information you need is just one question away.
 Found some great supplements? Congratulations! Make sure you're getting them at a great price too. Use the BBR forum to find the best places to shop, so you get what you want, AND save money too. We have over 50 online supplement resellers rated with a 5 star rating system with hundreds of comments from real members about the service and pricing they received.
PLUS : Over 445 Brand Name Supplement Reviews
Get the low down on actual brand names in the forum - Our amazing Inner Circle now contains specific feedback on over 445 brand name supplements voted on by more than 10,000 members, who offer their personal experience of the supplements effects, and ideal dosages.
Easily select a supplement and read the experts opinion plus hundreds of members real world experiences. Not some messy forum but a perfectly organized and rated (with stars) collection of brand name supplement reviews.
Never be unsure about a supplement again.
The Supplement Scoreboard.
In addition to the 60 independent supplement reviews and general advice, In the BBR e-book I have included a "quick guide" which I call the "Supplement Scoreboard". This condenses all the information from the supplement section of the e-book and tells you exactly which supplements to use, the dosages, the timing and so forth. If your in a hurry and don't need to read reviews on individual supplements, this is the section for you.

Training & Workouts
Discover, that there is no one single workout that is better than all the others. You should in fact never lift the same amount of weight, reps and sets or stick to the same amount of time between sets. A great workout should be moving from phase to phase, doing different rep schemes, different amount of weight, and so forth. The body adapts far to well to stick to the same routine months on end which is why I provide dozens of different workouts for you. Workout Cycling is the big secret to success that almost all programs simply avoid discussing.
Discover little known techniques you can apply to your workouts to maximize your gains every single workout. I'll show you how to apply these rock-solid principles to your workout, so you can burst through plateaus and achieve new personal records.
Learn Exactly how to maximize every single rep to squeeze the greatest results out of every single workout. Stop wasting time and energy in the gym.
The Number ONE rule that absolutely must be observed when training, break this and you could be halving your results in the gym
 Find out which exercises give you the most "bang for your buck"and the order you should perform them in for the best results.
 Form can make or break your success in the gym. Learn exactly how each exercise should be performed, using precise, detailed instructions and exercise videos.
Timing can make a big difference in the quality of your workouts. Do you know how much time to take between sets, what rep tempos you should use and how long you should be in the gym? Discover the ways to use time to your advantage.
 Just starting out? It's easy to get confused by all the jargon. Learn what all the terms mean and how to apply them to get the results you've dreamed of.
Home vs. Gym: either way, it's a major investment. Discover how to get the best workout for your money.
Plus, use the 'Inner Circle' to:
*download pre-written workout forms. Just choose a workout from the e-book and go.
*get expert help with your program
*get feedback from other members
*ask questions about injuries and rehab

Cardio Workouts
Should you do cardio? If so, how much? How much is too much? I'll show you how to keep cardio from interfering with your muscle gains.
 Forget about the fat burning zone: it's a myth! Why spend long, boring hours plodding away on a treadmill, when you can get it done in minutes? Learn how to do cardio the right way to elevate your metabolism while saving time AND energy.
 Find out about Energy Systems Training, and how to make it work for you, so you can burn fat while sparing your hard-earned muscle.
A Sure Fire way to get the most from your cardio What's the best time to do cardio? Before weights? Afterwards? First thing in the morning?

Goal Setting & MotivationUse the Bodybuilding Revealed 'Inner Circle' to:
*download monthly success wall charts. Tick off each day of your program to keep showing yourself what you've achieved.
* Use our software and charts to help keep track of your progress; get support from other members, and more!
I'll reveal the techniques to help you stick to your program for long-term gains in lean mass and strength.
 Learn to set goals the SMART way. Working SMARTer - not harder - is your key to achieving the body you deserve.
 Your body composition is the best measure of your success. Find out how to measure it and keep track of your lean gains/fat losses.
 Meet BBR members - male and female - who've achieved the bodies others only dream about. If they can do it, you can too. Find out how they eat, train, and think.

Okay Will, This All Sounds Great...
But What Do I Actually Get ?"
Great Question, you get all of the following:

® The Bodybuilding Revealed Manual
(Fully Printable)

The Body Revealed E-Report is essentially 
5 e-books in one. It covers:
 Part 1 : Muscle Building Diet
 Part 2 : Supplementation & Reviews
(Over 60 Supplement Reviews)
 Part 3 : Weight Training
 Part 4 : Cardio Fat Burning Workouts
 Part 5 : Motivation & Goal Setting 

No fluff, no unproven strategies. Qualified, proven data driven programs for beginners through to ultra advanced.
Everything you need to know about how to structure your workouts, to eat correctly to maximize the hormonal response.
How to integrate cardio and how to stick to your goals.
From how to go shopping for your food list, to the how's and why's of rep timing and set duration.
No stone is left uncovered.
This is the Bible of Muscle Building. 

LIFETIME Platinum Level Inner Circle Coaching
This is the jewel in the Bodybuilding Revealed crown. I'm going to give you Platinum coaching, which amounts to free access to me and my team of paid professional advisors.

No more confusion over your program, no niggling issues to make you lose motivation. No more dumping yet another program because you can't get to grips with exactly what to do.
You can ask me anything you need to about supplements, nutrition, diet and training. Plus get access to my team of fitness professionals who you can ask any questions you like in general on fitness, diet, nutrition, training and more.
By the way , this is not a bunch of "moderators" like you find on forums, these are qualified professionals , paid to specifically assist you to ensure you achieve your goals.

LIFETIME Access To the Bodybuilding Revealed Private Members Area & Knowledge Base...

The members-only Inner Circle knowledge base is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The knowledge base has over 7,500 pages of information. You can search for information you need or go straight to one of the special sections for example :
In addition in the Inner Circle forum where you can chat with thousands of other BBR members, there's a lot of other quality resources like these:
 Brand Name Supplement Reviews
Read over 440+ brand name supplement reviews with user feedback.
 Printable Workout Charts
Download pre made workout charts which correspond to the workouts in the e-book. You can then print them out if you wish or edit them for your own workouts.
 Nutrition Database (56,000 foods)
Our custom made nutrition database, very easy to use, with approx 60,000 foods , including brand name foods, take out foods, fast food outlet food types, everything you could ever need.
 Nutritional Authorities & Programs
Read what our members think of over 50 Nutritional authorities and programs including, Berardi, Atkins, Gracie, Aceto, Brad king, Body Opus, Jay Robb, Burn the Fat, Warrior Diet, Pasquale, Parillo, Metabolic Diet, Keto, Body For Life, Rob Faigen, Warrior Diet, Blood Type, Zig Zag, No Grain, Dan Duchaine and many more.

 Members Gallery
View hundreds of photos from BBR members, see their progress and use it to motivate yourself, add feedback and ask other members how they got into shape.
 Muscle Building & Fat Loss Recipes
Read over 200 recipes, with the full nutritional profiles (calorie, protein, carb and fat content) and with detailed cooking instructions.
Read dozens of exclusive articles in our Guru Article section. Authors include John Berardi, Charles Staley, Tom Venuto, Will Brink, Bryan Haycock and many others.
 Online Supplement Sellers Rated
Over 50 online sellers rated by our members. Find out who's reputable and who to avoid.

 Body Fat Calculators & Dozens of Fitness Calculators.
Use any of the Inner Circle tools, to help you in your physique goals.
 Book Reviews
Don't waste another cent on useless books. Read our professional reviews on dozens of books including, The Book Of Muscle, Burn The Fat, Poliquin Principles, Core Performance, The Pre-Contest Bible, Legal Muscle, New Encyclopedia of Modern Body building, Black book of Training secrets, Get Buffed 1 & 2, Winning the Arms race, The Wild Physique, and dozens more.
 Motivational Progress Charts
Download charts you can use to record information on your measurements, diet, and supplements. Use these to keep track of your progress towards your goals.
 Training Systems
Get the lowdown on what I and my team of trainers – as well as hundreds of members - think about over 60 different body building type programs including, Poliquin, Staley, Anderson, HST, 20 Rep program, Shuler, Hayward, Westside, Chek, Bompa, Ian King, Critical Bench, Growth Surge, GVT, Siff, Chad Waterbury, Clubbell, DiPasquale, Atlas, Costa, Metabolic Thruster, Schroedor, Max OT, X-size and many more.

The Bodybuilding Revealed Meal & Calorie Planner
Look I know what a pain working out a diet can be , so I had my programmers put together the ultimate time saver - the Bodybuilding Revealed Meal & Calorie Planner.
The planner performs all the calculations from the e-book for you. So if you don't have the time or the inclination to workout your own diet from the ebook, you can simply enter a few details and the planner does ALL the work for you.
Within seconds you'll have your daily calories, the number of meals you should eat, and the amount of protein, fats and carbohydrates you should have in each meal. And it's all displayed in a simple to read format, which you can then read on screen, print out or even e-mail to yourself.
This is powerful, custom-made software we created just for this program - not some generic meal planning software, this specifically calculates your Bodybuilding Revealed diet to perfection.
The Diet Planner - Finally Take Control !

THIS IS KILLER, honestly could be sold for the entire price of the program. The members love this thing.
The Diet Planner allows you to take total control of your diet and supplements with ease. You can use it with the BBR program but also with any other program you may be following.
This is not some cheap free internet tool, This cost me thousands of dollars to create. I had it coded myself after many years of finding faults with planners that had not been designed for people specifically following a cutting or muscle building program.
 All you need to do is to answer a few simple questions about yourself, then select a pre-made diet or create one of your own.

 Add your own foods, or choose from thousands already pre-added. Use the Planner to create your own meals and recipes.

 Track what you eat each day and get a calorie breakdown for every food including the protein, carbohydrate and fat content.

 Create a graph of your progress showing the amount of muscle gained, fat lost, and overall progress. 

 Keep track of your weight, and take notes…you can record information on your workout, or write down how you feel.

 Track the difference between your daily intake and what you should be taking in so you can make easy corrections.

Make your diet public or private: if it's public, other BBR members and our team of advisors can help you out with it. 

 We have recently been approached by Gold's Gym to license the diet planner, it's been so successful, Gold's Gym are using it for clients who need customized diets.
This is the ULTIMATE diet planner, and is loved by BBR customers.

Bodybuilding Revealed Pre-Made Diets


The purpose of BBR is to simplify the whole issue of eating right, so we provide a selection of sample diets for different body weights.
These diets perfectly match the nutrition guidelines in the BBR e-book, so you can use them "out of the box" if you like or tailor them for your own use.
You can download the diets to your computer in Excel format. They are also hard-coded into the Diet Planner (see above) so you can edit them to suit your likes and dislikes, make changes in calories or macronutrient ratios, etc.

The Bodybuilding Revealed Video Database
Are you always 100% sure how to perform an exercise correctly ? It's important to me that BBR is as easy to follow as possible, so when you open up the BBR e-book or download your pre made workouts charts, I wanted to ensure you knew exactly how to perform each exercise.
That's why I had the video database created, you can now actually watch the videos from the BBR program being performed right in front of your eyes.
Pick any one of the exercises from the e-book, read how it's performed and watch the video so you can see exactly how to do each exercise safely and with maximum benefit.
Not to be confused with"exercise simulator" type software, the video database contains dozens of real videos featuring exercise experts performing each exercise listed in the BBR training program.

Once you become a "Bodybuilding Revealed" member, you're a member for life, no cost, no monthly fees ever.
This means whenever we update the Bodybuilding Revealed manual ( and we have done it 3 times in the last 2 years) we send you the new version out - For Free.
It means you're always updated for LIFE with what's new, new supplement reviews, new training methods worth trying and more. You'll never have to pay a penny more to always have the latest information at the touch of your fingers.
That’s one of the great benefits of E-Reports. With Bodybuilding Revealed, you're covered for life.
There's Even More.
Two More Unique High End Manuals For You.

Mass Gaining Training Programs
While the BBR system contains training information for the beginner right through to the experienced intermediate trainer, I also wanted to include information for the advanced trainer, those with at least 3-4 solid years of training under their belts. Step in perhaps the world’s most respected strength coach, Charles Poliquin, B.Sc M.Sc.
Charles, is the real deal, he has a network of Poliquin training centers around the world, the Poliquin accreditation is highly sought after, and he's the author of a dozen best selling books on various subjects relating to bodybuilding, strength and conditioning.
Charles’ coaching skills have resulted in hundreds of Olympic medals, wins and personal bests for many of his clients. He's known worldwide for producing faster, more muscular, stronger athletes.
So I picked up the phone and Charles agreed to do me a great favor and write an entire bonus e-book which focused entirely on his approach to advanced training.
Here's a brief summary of the information Coach Poliquin reveals along with the advanced workouts in his Report:
Coach Poliquin
Here's a brief analysis of the information Coach Poliquin reveals along with dozens of advanced workouts in his Report.
Maximum days you should train consecutively and why How to determine training frequency
Exercise technique and the importance of it
Loading parameters - how much weight should you lift
Adapting to your program
Training "volume" and "intensity"
Optimum work out time
Accumulation and intensification phases
Improve your workout efficiency with antagonistic muscle pairs
Understand your muscle fiber make up
Which exercises give you the most bang for the buck
Why you should train "lifts" you are poor at
Why dumbbell work is the foundation of strength
The secret to coaxing not forcing your muscles to adapt to greater loads
Why you should keep accurate records
Why low rep work should be done first in your workout
How to calculate the number of sets per exercise
Plus sample training programs to train 3,4,5 and 6 days a week.

How To Build Muscle At Home.
As seen in....

Gain muscle in the privacy of your own home, office or garden, within your own time constraints and without needing any gym equipment.
That's the beauty of this exclusive bonus e-book. I know that many of my readers can't always get to the gym, or you're on the road, or stuck in an office. Coach Ballantyne CSCS, M.Sc, has developed the Turbulence Training system to accommodate this problem.
Craig Ballantyne
Craig is a strength & conditioning coach in Toronto, author of Turbulence Training, a contributing author to Men’s Health magazine, and a member of the Training Advisory Board for Maximum Fitness and Oxygen magazines.
I'm VERY fussy what I put my name to, VERY,but I also give credit where credit is due. Craig Ballantyne, is one of a small handful of experts out there with solid credentials and real world experience. Ballantyne is not a self proclaimed Internet guru but a bona fide credible coach and researcher. He fuses science and extensive research alongside real world results to come to his conclusions, a rarity nowadays. This is a high quality and extremely useful bonus.
"Ok, Will, Sounds Good BUT..
How Much Is This Going To Cost Me?

Since I've already got back the majority of the development costs for all the software and the members area and so forth, I've been able to drop the price pretty dramatically.
I've also converted the entire product into E-Manuals and Online tools, so no more printing and shipping costs. No more " You can just print out anything you want if you want hard copies anyway for far less than the cost of shipping.
The entire package is now down from $147 to $47, at least for a while.
$47 lousy bucks, what's that ?
A night out, a tub of protein powder?
Seriously if this isn't "no brainer" territory, I'm not sure what is.
You'll get absolutely everything I've discussed in the package, the Bodybuilding Revealed manual, the life time access to my private members area, the ability to ask me and my team questions as needed.
The tools, the software, the pre-made meal plans and you get full access for life.
Not only that, but you don’t have to wait 5-7 days for it to arrive, either. Grab it now and you'll be reading, downloading and using the tools in under 3 minutes, it's that fast a process.
And to remove even more risk from your end, I'll even give you your money back if you don't like it, take a look at my...
No Questions Asked, No Hassle, No-Hoops-To-Jump-Through 100% 60 Day Money Back Guarantee

Give "Bodybuilding Revealed " a try out and if you're not completely happy for any reason within 60 days, then just email me and request a refund.
No questions asked; no small print; that's a guarantee for a full 60 days. . Even if it's s on the last day, I'll refund 100% of your money if you're not 100% satisfied. Is that fair enough?
All you need to do now is click add to cart button below and get started. I'll see you in the members area in a few minutes, I'm there every day.
Okay, Will, This Is A LOOONG Page.
Can We Do A Quick Refresh On What I Get?
Sure, here's a quick recap of what you can get your hands on in just a few minutes, let's sum it up...
 The Bodybuilding Revealed Manual.
( 5 Manuals in one) ($99 Value)
 Life Time Free Updates
($79 Value)
 LIFETIME Coaching From Me & The Team
($149 Value - Worth 10x that In Reality)
 LIFETIME Access To the Members Area Tools, Forum.
($149 Value - Worth 10x that In Reality)

 Pre Made Muscle Building Diets.
($37 Value)
 The Exercise Video Database.
($37 Value)
 The Diet Planner - This Thing is So Cool!
($79 Value)
 The Meal & Calorie Planner
($27 Value)
 Charles Poliquins Mass Gaining Report
($37 Value)
 Craig Ballantyne's , Build Muscle At Home Report
($24.95 Value
Total : Way in excess of $600 Real World Value.
I've sold this package previously for $147, right now it's just ..
Can you Beat That?
I look forward to hearing about your success and will see you in the members area in a few minutes.
You've stuck with this so far, you obviously have the desire and hopefully the determination to succeed.
I hope you take advantage of what is clearly the best bang for your buck in muscle building programs to be found anywhere.
The value's so ridiculous, I really do feel I'm undervaluing the entire program. In fact there's simply no doubt I am.
If you do, I'll see you inside the members area in a few minutes time, I really AM THERE, every single day , without fail , you can take that to the bank.
Your Coach,

William D.Brink
Author: Priming The Anabolic Environment
Trainer of Tactical Law Enforcement/ S.W.A.T
Magazine Columnist (Over 50 mags in 9 countries)
Contributor to Peer Reviewed Scientific Journals
NPC Judge & Expert Trainer.
PS. You can keep dreaming or you can take action. Follow what I tell you, and you'll gain muscle mass, it's that simple. I'm not your nanny, I can't get you take action if you're not ready to change your physique. Only you can do that, but if you take action today I'll be there to help you succeed.
Alternatively, you can keep looking for the next best thing that makes ridiculous claims, but just doesn't deliver. The entire program is covered by a 60 day money back guarantee, so you've really got nothing to risk, all the risk is at my end. I wish you the best, whatever your decision.
Remember if you don't have the support and motivation the kind I provide with my private members area access, you're starting off from a weakened position, don't be weak, be STRONG :D

I understand that If I am not satisfied with the package , I have A No Hassle, No-Hoops-To-Jump-Through 100% Day Money Back Guarantee

Second Olympic Coach Says Bodybuilding Revealed - One Of the Most Comprehensive Resources Available Today.

"Will has helped thousands build muscle, lose fat, and transform their bodies.With B.B.R, Will provides one of the most comprehensive resources available today."
Dr John Berardi PhD, CSCS
Adjunct Assistant Professor Ottawa, Canada.
Olympic Team Trainer
Author & Columnist.

Wealth of Information in The Members Area
Is Second To None!
The wealth of info available on the BBR members area and e–manual is second to none though. I have found a handful of trusted and respected resources and I can honestly say that BBR is at the top of the list.
The sharing of info and the camaraderie on this site is truly amazing and I feel lucky to just be a part of it.
Kevin Little - Canada 
Click Here To View More Member/Expert Feedback.

Then I found Bodybuilding Revealed, and Immediately I Knew it was a Cut Above. 

As I quasi–retired from doing research and consulting with corporate and government clients, and began doing more of it with health and fitness clients, I got to spend a lot of time reading and reviewing various fitness–information resources. The majority of stuff I came across was factually wrong, intentionally misleading, or scientifically suspect. But then I found Bodybuilding Revealed, and immediately I knew it was a cut above.The book’s information is explanation–oriented, not sales–oriented, and its references are the results from clinical studies, not anecdotes. The forum provides additional depth and discussion that go way beyond the type of postings found on most health sites. Members are open and frank, and even when they debate a topic they are respectful and supportive. It has been fun and rewarding to participate and help out moderating.
Mark Macgillivray - USA

International Best Selling Fitness Author & Life Style Coach Says Bodybuilding Revealed Worth 100x It's Cost.
"The e-book gets into specifics regarding exactly what and how to eat in order to gain lean muscle mass and burn fat. Don’t let the hard-core look fool you .
As I’ve said a thousand times, the principles that work to gain fifty pounds of muscle are the ones YOU need to apply to gain five.
The interaction with other trainees, Will and his expert team, is what makes this deal a steal…that and it’s free for a year. (I think Will is bonkers for giving this much content away for free…and I’m darn sure that won’t last…but hey, that’s his business.)BBR is a must-have — no questions asked.
The supplements section alone will save you five, ten, even a hundred times what you pay for the e-book. Trust me — most of the stuff people take is worthless, but Will goes into why, and the science behind it, plus what really does work.

"Jon Benson CSN
Nutritionist and Internationally-recognized Life Coach
Best-selling Author of Fit Over 40 and Simply Eat!

Picky Doctor Chooses Bodybuilding Revealed.
I have gotten lots of valuable information from the Bodybuilding Revealed system and the Inner Circle.
There is so much information and misinformation out there, and Will's information takes a rational and reasonable approach to it all. As a Doctor I am extremely picky on where and who I take advice from but this is information that can be trusted.
Dr. Paul Afek Physician - Arizona USA.

I understand that If I am not satisfied with the package , I have A No Hassle, No-Hoops-To-Jump-Through 100% Day Money Back Guarantee


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