вторник, 5 июня 2012 г.

Health Master Extreme Package

Health Master Extreme Package
“Your Complete Health Information Ebook Package For Getting Healthy…From Losing Weight, To Fitness, To
 Treating Common Health Problems, To Changing 
Your Lifestyle For A Long Healthy Life…
This Package Is All You Need!”
Over 185 health, weight loss, fitness and health problem cures ebooks
all in one package; loaded with "how to" information to help you get healthy!
From: Frank DeJohn
RE: How to get healthy
Keeping your body in a pristine condition should be your highest priority. Keeping yourself healthy and physically fit will add years to your life. It's no longer a myth, but a scientific fact that healthier people live longer. If you want to have a longer time on this world, you need to start taking care of yourself right now. 
If you have a high stress job or, as many of us do, work long hours, you need to be in good physical condition. You owe it to yourself to discover how to live healthier!
It's not too late. There is always time to begin living your life the way you know in your heart that you should.
Wouldn't it be nice to have a longer amount of time on this wonderful earth? Being able to spend more time with your loved ones and share memories together would be nice, wouldn't it?
We'll here's a reality check... If you don't start taking care of your body, and keep taking care of it, you’re going to miss out on years of your life.
You only have one body and it's crucial that you take care of it if you'd like to use it for very long.
If you want to take care of your body, both inside and outside, it is critical to your overall health that you do it the right way. Here you will find information products for both health and fitness that will help you lose weight, discover ways to maintain a better healthy lifestyle, and be in the best shape of your life – all the smart way!
When you live a healthier lifestyle, you look and feel better. You won't be as tired, as run-down, or as exhausted. Eating right and exercising will change your life for the better, let me help put you on a path to a more healthy enjoyable life with the...
Health Master Extreme Package™

If you want to join the millions of people that are getting into shape, you have come to the right place. Now you can follow in their footsteps and make the decision to change your life today with the Health Master Extreme Package.
You don't have to go it alone. No need for trial and error. Just use this package and do it; take control now. You are about to discover what you need to know about health, fitness, losing weight and how to cure and treat your health problems naturally; AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. 
Look, I don't know you and you don't know me. I do know that I love my friends and family, and I'm sure you do also. I've put this package together not just for myself, but for you also.
If you're finally ready to take good care of your body, and want to discover how to lose weight, eat right and exercise, I've got just what you need...
Getting fit and staying healthy starts right here
with the Health Master Extreme Package!
Over 185 health, weight loss, fitness and
health problem cures ebooks all in one package;
loaded with "how to" information to help you get healthy!
With this huge collection of health related information, you will be able to discover the step-by-step procedures to getting and staying healthy and fit. 
Why waste time and money guessing or using trial and error methods when you can simply follow in the footsteps of professionals in the health industry.
It’s like having you own personal trainer at your fingertips. You get the information to help you succeed!
When you invest in the Health Master Extreme Package, you will have rock solid information from some of the most respected personal trainers, dieticians and doctors on these topics:
Weight Loss - The most popular weight loss plans with 100's of tips, secrets and strategies so you can lose weight and keep it off!
Fitness And Gaining Muscle - Whether you want to tone up muscle, build up muscle or simply want to exercise for health benefits; you will find the quickest ways of doing it with the best methods to make you look great!
Getting And Staying Healthy - Discover how to be in the best shape of your life, look and feel good both on the inside and outside of your body with the health information you will find here!
Cures And Remedies For Common Ailments - You will find alternative, natural and medical cures, remedies and prevention methods for many common health problems within the Health Master Extreme Package!
Beauty Tips And Secrets - Prepare yourself for a full makeover when you discover the many tips and secrets to make yourself beautiful. The information contained here goes way past the normal focus of teaching you how to apply makeup, do eyebrows, or fix your hair!
And more...

What exactly is the Health Master Extreme Package?
The Health Master Extreme Package is the biggest collection of health related info-products available on the internet that are used by thousands to get healthy and stay fit for a better life. All the products included in the package are bestselling titles.
I have researched the health market for over two years and have discovered and obtained the best weight loss, fitness and health information products available online from many reputable sources.
I now make available to you my complete collection of health information products in one huge package for one low price, no need to purchase them separately as I have done!
Keep reading, as you will soon discover all 185 publications included in this amazing package!Below is a listing of the high-quality publications that will show you the way to becoming healthy and fit when you invest in the Health Master Extreme Package. Now you can change your life for the better when you use these publications for your own success with getting healthy!
All the ebooks (PACKAGE CONTENTS) listed below are included in the
"Health Master Extreme Package"
and are divided into four categories:
Weight Loss And Special Diets
Fitness And Muscle Building
Health And Beauty
Health Problem Cures And Remedies
Weight Loss And Special Diets
Weight Loss Action 
Quick Weight Loss Action Your easy step by step guide to quickly lose all that stubborn fat to make you look healthy, sharp & sexy again!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • The main culprits of immense weight gain and why some people gain weight unknowingly
  • How your metabolism system works and the most effective way to make it burn all those calories for you!
  • Three elements of weight loss that go together and how you can leverage on them to make sure the fat doesn't return!
  • A proven, tried and tested plan for keeping track of your calorie intake everyday – You won't have to starve, you can enjoy your food and still lose weight!
  • The most important step to get started in planning your weight loss – Miss this and you could be back to gorging on chocolate chip cookies and chips!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $27.00
Weight Loss All-Star 
Weight Loss All-StarDiscover a weight loss system that gives you the results your looking for! Have a body like a teenager again!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • The real ways to losing weight and putting all the gimmicks and fads on the backburner!
  • The kind of exercises that cause you to hit your slim and trim target faster than expected!
  • Four points to always remember when you set your weight loss goals so you won't push yourself to the limit and develop further problems!
  • Power herbs: Do they really help you burn fat or just a hole in your pocket?
  • The importance of drinking fresh water and how much you should ideally gulp down!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $27.00
Weight Loss Fun For Kids 
How To Make Weight Loss Fun For KidsYou’ll Be An Expert In "I'm No Nutrition-Geek, But I ROCK At This Stuff" in NO TIME AT ALL. YOU have the ability to take the necessary steps, to do this very patiently and with growing skill and knowledge, even in these very tough times for your child. Choosing the best products  (this book!)  and actions  (our tips!)  is really a pretty simple process, especially once you have learned the step-by-step basics.
Just some of what you will discover:
  • Safe and easy weight loss for kids that is not complicated!
  • Different special plans for boys and girls!
  • Snack ideas for kids that won't wreck moms diet!
  • Fun activities to help your child lose weight!
  • Stop your kids from sabotaging your weight loss efforts!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $17.00
Lose Weight Natures Way 
Lose Weight Nature's Way
Inside this eBook are the most powerful techniques that I could find anywhere for eliminating excess weight without the use of medication. You don’t need to use medications or alternative therapies. You will not have to spend any more money on expensive therapist or doctor visits.
Just some of what you will discover:
  • How weight loss works physically inside your body so you understand the processes it must go through for you to accomplish your goal!
  • The difference between gaining weight and gaining muscle!
  • Which kinds of exercise are best for losing weight!
  • How keeping a fat loss journal can help you lose weight!
  • What are negative calorie foods and how they help you lose weight!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $27.00
Burn More Calories 
Lose Weight By Burning More Calories
Discover how to burn more calories by increasing your metabolism naturally, so you can lose weight quickly and keep it off.
Just some of what you will discover:
  • How metabolism effects your weight loss!
  • How to break down your meals to lose weight quickly and increase metabolism!
  • How heating and cooling your body increases metabolism!
  • What spice to add to food that increases metabolism!
  • How sleep actually helps increase your metabolism!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $7.00
Boost Your Metabolism 
How To Boost Your Metabolism
See how easily you can reshape your metabolism to burn calories at a rate you've never experienced before! Your metabolism isn't burning calories at a constant rate. The rate can change and you can help to control it! You can learn how to take the reigns and tighten your grip on weight-loss with this new guide... 
Just some of what you will discover:
  • How anyone can speed up their metabolism by making changes in these 3 areas of their life!
  • The secret to burning more calories while you sit around doing nothing!
  • Why most people are wrong about how they look at calories!
  • How to stay within your calorie limit and still get the proper nourishment!
  • The secret to eating more to weigh less!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $24.95
Extreme Weightloss Secrets 
Extreme Weight Loss Secrets
Lose 20 Pounds In 3 Weeks With Our Step By Step Action Plan! You can now lose weight the way you are meant to lose weight. This diet system is NOT meant to be used for a long term. It is safe for 3 weeks and you WILL lose 20 pounds.
Just some of what you will discover:
  • Easy way to figure out calorie intake!
  • What foods not to eat!
  • How a little extra exercise can help!
  • What to drink that helps you lose weight!
  • How to have the mindset to lose weight!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $17.00
100 Weight Loss Tips 
100 Weight Loss Tips
Discover 100 tips to lose 10 pounds, feel better & become healthier. This ebook is your guide to losing that first 10 pounds that we all struggle with. It's amazing what little changes in your life can add up to you losing 10 pounds and they all revolve around eating right and getting your body moving!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • What you should always do before you sit down to eat if you really want to lose weight fast!
  • How to lose weight by making a few easy, painless changes in the way you cook!
  • Several easy things you can do on a daily basis to jump start your body into losing weight!
  • What food is truly your friend when it comes to shedding pounds like crazy!
  • The ultimate key to losing weight fast and keeping it off for good!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $17.00
Summer Diets 
Diets For The Summer
Several diet plans and tips for losing weight during the summer. This ebook shows you how to take advantage of summers exclusive characteristics!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • The best summer foods for weight loss!
  • Steps to a healthy summer diet!
  • Low calorie recipes for summer diets!
  • Weight loss diet tips for summer!
  • Weight loss diet plans!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $17.00
Natural Weight Loss 
Natural Weight Loss
Discover how to lose weight the natural way without dangerous pills or surgery. Also, discusses and analyzes all the popular weight loss programs!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • Tools you will need to use for natural weight loss!
  • Natural vs. unnatural weight loss methods!
  • What causes weight loss!
  • How to determine your body mass index!
  • Weight loss resources!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $17.00
Brand Spanking New
Brand Spanking New
Find out how to detoxify, cleanse and revitalize your body by using a special diet and methods for this purpose! Using A Detox Diet Plan Can Help Maximize Your Health, Reduce Your Weight, And Help You Feel More Energetic And Rested! The plain truth, as far as getting body detox done from a clinic or even from a spa goes, is that it will end up costing you a fair amount of money. In fact a stay at a detox clinic can run up to as high as ten thousand dollars, depending on the methods and treatments used. So rather than spend so much money at a clinic or even at a spa, most people prefer home detoxification as an alternative and effective solution that is inexpensive and which gets the job done as well.
Just some of what you will discover:
  • Benefits of detoxifying your body for fitness and health!
  • What’s the best natural method to detox or cleanse the body!
  • Several detox diet plans!
  • Detox diet recipes!
  • How to detox your body to build your immune system!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $19.95
Gaining Weight For The Skinnier Guy 
Gaining Weight 101
Tired of being the Skinny Guy? Discover the secrets to gaining weight and muscle. This eBook lays it all out for you. There are no expensive high calorie meal replacement powders or supplements to buy or have to choke down. You won’t have to spend countless hours at the gym (you’ll actually find out why that can defeat the whole purpose). This eBook will give you everything you need to know to add pound after pound of lean, sexy muscle to your arms, shoulders, chest, back and legs and let’s not forget those highly coveted six-pack abs everyone is always talking about.
Just some of what you will discover:
  • How to work out smarter not harder!
  • Special skinny guy workout plan!
  • Special skinny guy eating plan (2 phases)!
  • How working out to much sabotages your efforts!
  • Basic weight gain theory!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $17.00
Weight Loss Oracle 
Weight Loss Oracle
The simple and only weight loss prediction software available. Precisely predict the day you get skinny!Do you have an important occasion quickly approaching? Do you need to lose weight fast so you'll look great? Weight Loss Oracle will help you hit your target weight right on schedule...
With Weight Loss Oracle, you will be able to:
  • Calculate exactly how many days it will take you to reach your target weight. (And you choose the starting date)!
  • Know exactly how many calories you can eat to arrive at the big event at the perfect weight!
  • Figure out exactly what day to start your diet on to lose your weight on schedule!
  • Determine exactly how many calories YOU personally burn each day!
  • See how your exercise routine helps your weight loss goal (and figure out the best exercise for you)!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $19.00
30 Day Low Carb Diet “Ketosis Plan”
30 Day Low Carb Diet “Ketosis Plan”
Low Carb Diet 'Ketosis Plan' has already helped scores of people lose their excess pounds and inches faster and easier than they ever thought possible!
Just a few of the benefits you will discover:
  • How to lose 20 pounds in 30-Days!
  • Discover an almost instant weight loss, as the powerful 'ketosis' effect will boost your weight burning metabolism within the first three days!
  • Suffer from no more nagging hunger pains, the 30-Day Low Carb Diet 'Ketosis Plan' is specially designed to almost immediately eliminate all hunger within the first two days!
  • Discover an added amount of energy you may not have felt in years and notice an almost instantaneous looser fit in all your clothing, all within the very first days of the program!
  • Enjoy 90 different recipes, (3 per day), all within the allowed Atkins 'Ketosis' range of 20 grams of carbs per day!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $37.00
Journey To A New You
Journey To A New You Realistic tips and advice for losing weight and changing your lifestyle to keep the weight off!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • How to set realistic goals when losing weight!
  • How to create a plan for your new lifestyle!
  • Why you should never use a scale when losing weight and gaining muscle at the same time!
  • Little changes you can make when eating that make a big difference with weight loss!
  • How to find the right diet plan for you (there is not one plan that fits everyone)!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $17.00
101 Everyday Tips For Losing 10 Pounds
101 Everyday Tips For Losing 10 Pounds Losing 10 Pounds is a thoroughly researched report on 'everyday ways' to lose weight and maintain a healthier lifestyle for people on the go. It is designed to be quick and efficient in losing weight.!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • Why skipping meals can actually make you fall a step behind when trying to lose weight!
  • 3 everyday secrets to help you burn calories while at work or play!
  • Learn what to do with high tech gadgets such as remotes and cell phones to help you burn calories. It's not throwing them out - I promise!
  • How you can use the concept of "grazing" to actually eat more meals a day and still lose weight!
  • Learn a simple technique that will continue to motivate you to lose weight!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $17.00
Weight Loss Primer Report
Weight Loss Primer Report This great new book is essential reading for those beginning any weight loss program. There's also an integrated Total Body Exercise Workout Program with detailed animations that show you exactly how to undertake each exercise. This super fast to read report is like spending a half hour session with one of the world’s best health trainers but from the comfort of your own home!  
Just some of what you will discover:
  • The eight questions you must answer before starting your weight loss program that will increase your odds of success dramatically!
  • A common mistake that can slow down and even stop you achieving your goals!
  • Why it's important to actually REDUCE your carbohydrate intake - not increase it like many current diets tell you!
  • Why you should actually eat more meals each day. To some this may seem like the complete opposite to what you should do on a weight loss program. Find out why they're wrong!
  • Seven sure fire strategies for weight loss!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $7.95
Amazing Weight Loss And Health Tips
Amazing Weight Loss And Health Tips This ebook will show you tips on losing weight and staying healthy; also includes recipes for a healthy lifestyle!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • Weekly meal plan template!
  • Wight loss by fasting!
  • Raw food diets!
  • Homemade beauty recipes!
  • Recipes for eating healthy!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $9.95
Guide To Help Teenagers Lose Weight
Guide To Help Teenagers Lose Weight Don't waste your time and money on fad diets that never work...Instead, grab the only source of quality information on teen weight loss done the right way!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • What are the psychological issues for overweight teens? In this chapter, you'll learn all about the mental issues that need to be considered. To your teen, the weight may not even be a thought...which makes this an even more difficult situation to approach. Do you know how best to handle it?
  • How do you go about parenting an overweight teen without creating more problems? Sometimes, saying, or doing the wrong thing could make matters worse. It takes just the right amount of parenting to handle this delicate situation.
  • How can teens lose weight safely and quickly? We'll reveal the safest, and fastest ways for a teen to lose weight quickly. One thing you never want to do, is to jump on one of the "fad" diets. The actual best way may be surprising.
  • How worried should you, as a parent, be about your teens weight? It's normal, and appropriate for a parent to worry about their teen being overweight. But just how worried should you be? We'll break it down, and reveal the best course of action.
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $27.00
15 Holiday Weight Loss Tips
15 Holiday Weight Loss Tips This ebook was designed to bring you the best, least expensive, easiest to implement "mini" fat busting battle plans you can utilize to keep those extra unwanted pounds off during the holiday season!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • 15 easy to follow fat busting tips to keep weight gain to a minimum during holiday parties & gatherings where food is a major issue!
  • Ideas to help you stay active no matter what the weather is like!
  • Suggestions on low cost healthy food choices you can bring to holiday parties & share your love for health with those you love!
  • These tips are so usable, that they can be incorporated into your every day life even when there are no celebrations going on!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $7.95

Fitness And Muscle Building
Fitness Home Workouts
Fitness This one ebook will save you a considerable amount of time, frustration, and money! It is the only book you will ever need to plan and put into action the home workout that will make a difference in your life!  
Just some of what you will discover:
  • Everything You Need to Know About Exercises and Exercising...You can discover all about the kinds of exercises which will give you the desired results - including how to customize a home workout plan to suit your age, gender, body type, and activity level! Equally important, you will see how easy it is to create a plan that is as fun as it is useful!
  • Everything You Need to Know About the Mistakes You Must Avoid... The wrong kind of home workout can be tiresome, frustrating, and tedious! These mistakes can lead you to quit! If you know about these mistakes in advance, you can have an ideal home workout without any of these problems! 
  • Tips especially for woman and special situations!
  • All about equipment you may or may not need!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $17.00
Cardio Exercise Equipment
Cardio Exercise Equipment Find out exactly what equipment is needed to to start a cardio exercise routine so you don't waste money and time! Compare equipment so you will know exactly what you need!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • Checklist before buying equipment!
  • Saving money when buying expensive equipment - where and when to find the best deals!
  • What to look for in cardio exercise equipment!
  • How to choose the right equipment for you!
  • Special information on cardio exercise equipment for the elderly!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $19.95
Fitting Exercise Into A Busy Schedule If you have no time in your day. If you don't know the difference between a barbell and a cowbell. You can find a way to add simple, quick exercises to your daily regimens for a slimmer waistline, increased energy, and a happier life. Discover the secrets of married, full time working parents, who still have the time to be exercise junkies! You’ll learn all the tips, tricks, and tactics of those who must be creative to stay active.
Just some of what you will discover:
  • How to use your children to stay in shape!
  • How to fit exercise routines into your work day!
  • A new way to look at how you treat and care for your body!
  • 6 tips every traveler can use to stay in shape and keep your routine while away from home!
  • 6 exercises to use whenever you find yourself stuck without a gym!
  • 11 exercise tools you can take anywhere. Warning! Not all exercise products do what they say! Read this section and save your cash for something that DOES work!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $19.95
Cycling For Life
Cycling For Life Whether you want to start cycling for fun or fitness you will find the info you need to get started right away - right here!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • Cycling for better health and exercise!
  • Making the most of organized bike riding events!
  • Biking trails around the U.S.!
  • How to choose the right bike and equipment for you!
  • Safety and traveling tips for cycling!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $9.95
The Jogging Guide
The Jogging Guide Advise and tips for beginning joggers! How to start jogging safely for health benefits. You do not want the problems you could end up with by doing it the wrong way!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • Jogging to lose weight!
  • Developing a jogging routine!
  • Jogging for a healthier you!
  • Locating the safest and best places to jog!
  • Choosing or creating your own jogging trail!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $9.95
Walking For Fitness
Walking For Fitness Do you ever wish that you could get in better shape, tone those muscles, lose some weight and achieve better health? Fitness walking is an excellent way to do this; however, without the right tools and information, it could take you years to figure out the secrets to successful walking fitness. Instead of spending a fortune on so-called experts or knocking yourself out with the old trial and error method, there is an easier way to learn how to fitness walk - this new special ebook on walking fitness does just that!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • Fitness walking to lose weight!
  • Developing a fitness walking routine!
  • Fitness walking for a healthier you!
  • How you should start fitness walking!
  • What equipment you may need!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $19.95
Mixed Martial Arts
Mixed Martial Arts After you get this guide, you will learn the basics of how you can defend yourself and about competitions that use jujitsu techniques and methods. They are not by any means moves that you can learn overnight. It takes practice and time to get them right. Getting this guide can help you to master what it takes to protect yourself from the opponent! Martial arts is also an excellent way to exercise and get fit to stay healthy!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • Four methods of combat that are used in jujitsu!
  • What kind of actions go along with the methods !
  • Kata competitions!
  • Five main sectors of the arts of jujitsu training and what they stand for!
  • Twelve principles of striking and what they stand for!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $17.00
Packing On The Muscle
Packing On The Muscle Discover the secrets in using your own body weight and the law of gravity to INCREASE your muscle mass as you strip away the unwanted fat!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • Body Building Diet Tips, Body Building Routines, Body Building Supplements, Body Building Workouts, Building Muscle the Natural Way, Healthy Body Building Nutrition Tips, How to Build Strength, Losing Body Fat the Natural Way, Weight Training Routines, Weight Training Tips.
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $37.00
Body Sculpture
Body Sculpture Do you long for a better physique with more shapely and defined muscles? If so, you’re not alone! The problem is that while many people would love to have better defined muscles they’re not sure how to go about achieving them until now. This is the most comprehensive guide on sculpted muscles that you will ever read!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • Busting the myths of muscle sculpting!
  • The link between repetitions and muscle sculpting!
  • Understanding the impacts of steroid use!
  • The key elements of muscle sculpting!
  • Types of exercise to build muscles!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $27.00
Body Building Techniques
Body Building Techniques Many people misunderstand the purpose of or principle behind bodybuilding. It's much more than just to gain huge muscles and become extremely strong. Any time we want to improve a part of our body such as to become slimmer, have better curves or just improve our overall shape, we need to perform certain bodybuilding activities which you will discover in this new guide to body building!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • How to gain muscle mass!
  • Building muscles the fast way!
  • Body building routines that make a difference!
  • Ten mistakes that can hurt your body building progress!
  • Body Building Diets!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $27.00
Weight Lifting
Weight Lifting And Weight Training Learn the secrets to becoming an ace weight lifter by taking advantage of the exclusive techniques presented in this Weight Lifting and Weight Training manual!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • Weight lifting and general fitness!
  • Strength training!
  • Weight lifting for kids!
  • Weight lifting for bulk!
  • Weight lifting with free weights!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $37.00
Body Building Naturally
Body Building Naturally Throw away those diet pills! Steroids don't cut it! Investigate one of the top rated muscle building programs on the Internet! Get an eye popping muscle mass within days. This ebook can teach you how to maximize your natural genetic potential even if you are what is known as a Hard Gainer!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • The one crucial ingredient that you need to consume in order to build bulk muscle. This one element is more important to helping your reach your muscle building goals than training, nutrition and anabolic steroids!
  • Learn the little known completely natural secrets that can help you build up your muscles!
  • Gain ten pounds or rock solid muscle in less than three weeks!
  • How to optimize your body's seven most powerful and natural fat burning growth hormones!
  • How to carve your six pack, construct sleeve busting biceps and create a rippled muscular chest that will pop out the buttons on your shirt every time you breathe in!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $37.00
Fast Muscle Secrets
The Fast Muscle Formula Here's your chance to gain incredible size and strength fast by using powerful (and completely safe) muscle-building strategies that most people will never know about - whether you're a gym junkie or complete beginner! Finally...you can discover the "insider secrets" that everyone desires... secrets that can quickly turn your body into a work of art you will be proud to show off at the beach, by the pool, or even in the bedroom...
Just some of what you will discover:
  • How to pack on pounds of solid muscle in just weeks instead of years! (And, do it all safely! No harmful drugs or painful workouts are needed).
  • How to easily get stronger and healthier without using complicated machines or expensive gym memberships!
  • How to look more attractive to others, especially with your shirt off, and walk into any situation with more confidence!
  • Exactly what to feed your body - and when to do it - so you can see maximum muscle gains in the shortest time possible!
  • The myths and outright lies that are being taught since high school (and beyond) which continue to keep you from reaching your muscle and strength ultimate! (Now, you can stop wasting time and effort, for good).
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $24.95
Fire Up Your Core
Fire Up Your Core In recent years, there has been a lot of buzz about the importance of a strong core – and there is a valid reason for this. The core is where all of the powerful movements in the body originate – so it can essentially be thought of as your “center of power.” The truth is, you don’t need any of those ridiculous “seen on TV” gizmos to strengthen your core. Most of them are a complete waste of money anyway. With the right exercises, core strength can be attained without the use of novelty equipment. This ebook will show you how to strengthen your core!
Just some of the benefits you will discover:
  • Strengthening your core reduces the risk of injury -- especially to your spine!
  • Having a strong core improves your performance in sports! 
  • A strong core increases your overall coordination and stability!
  • Having a strong core improves your posture! 
  • Having a strong core increases the effectiveness of your workouts!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $9.95
Athletic Training
Athletic Training Without the right tools and information, it could take you years to figure out the secrets to achieving peak performance. Instead of spending a fortune on so-called experts or knocking yourself out with the old trial and error method, there is an easier way to learn how to achieve success in athletics the way you’ve always dreamed! Everything you need to know about becoming a great athlete is included in this special ebook!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • Secrets to peak performance!
  • Achieving balance!
  • Training your whole body!
  • Strength training!
  • Training routines!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $37.00
Ace Athlete
How To Be An Ace Athlete Peak Performance Secrets Every Aspiring Athlete Should Know will help bring out the superior athletic skills you've always kept hidden within you, so you can start using them until you become your own idol player. It will help you understand what the mind, body, and life of ace athletes are like, including never before shared secrets of honing various sports skills.
Just some of what you will discover:
  • What you should never do when running, lifting weights, and stretching your muscles. Doing them can be dangerous to your health!
  • Overlooked needs of athletes that are very necessary for supreme athletic performance!
  • How to prevent your opponents from taking advantage of your strengths and weaknesses!
  • General and specific workouts designed for ace athletes!
  • What the vital foundational components of an ace athlete's philosophy are!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $19.95
Aerobic Exercise
Aerobic Exercise There is a Solution to Get SUPER Fit!... Get started now with Aerobics Exercise so that you can have that body that you have always wanted. Aerobics is supposed to be fun and also get you fit and toned. This ebook can show you how to get in shape and be fit! Your body will be toned; your muscles will be built and made lean once you try some of these exercises!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • All the different types of aerobic exercising methods!
  • How aerobics can help you lose weight!
  • Aerobics for kids!
  • Benefits of aerobics!
  • The best types of aerobics!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $19.95
Aerobics Getting fit, toned and trim will help you to stay healthy. Being healthy should be important in everyone’s life. There are too many ailments that you can get rid of just by doing some kind of aerobics! With aerobics, there are different kinds of exercises that you can do in order to get and stay fit. This ebook will show you how to do exercises you probably did not think fit in the category of aerobics. Once you see what they are, you’ll probably say wow! These exercises are easy to do - some of them a child can do! So don’t delay getting this ebook so that you can be on your way to a fit body right now!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • The different kinds of exercises that fit under the aerobic category!
  • What you should do before starting any aerobic exercise workout!
  • The best time to do aerobic exercises!
  • Four benefits of doing aerobics!
  • Why you should try doing your aerobics when no one else is home!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $17.00
Enriching Your Mind, Body, and Soul With The Power Of Yoga
Enriching Your Mind, Body, and Soul With YogaYoga is a journey toward your physical and spiritual wellness. With these 3 guides in hand (Introduction To Yoga Techniques, Guide To Advanced Yoga Techniques and Lessons In Yoga Exercises), you will experience the health, energy, and vibrancy that yoga can bring into your life! These 3 guides cover every aspect of the yoga lifestyle, including relaxation, exercise, breathing, and meditation.
Just some of what you will discover:
  • Develop a fit and beautiful body!
  • Boost your energy and vitality at any stage of life!
  • Reduce stress and experience greater peace of mind!
  • Increase your powers of concentration and discipline!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $37.00
Easing Your Stress With Yoga
Easing Your Stress With Yoga Yoga is the age old tradition of combining proper concentration with breathing techniques that will focus your mind and connect your body to your soul. There's a reason why it is not only the world's oldest form of exercise, but also the world's oldest healing technique! If you are feeling stressed out and need help maintaining control of your life, yoga can help. Discover why yoga will work for you and unlock the secrets of this ancient spiritual practice with this ebook. 4,000 years of Hindu participants can't be wrong!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • Understand how yoga can work for you!
  • Use yoga to reduce stress, look better, lose weight or even improve your sex life!
  • Differentiate between proper yoga techniques and dangerous imposters!
  • Find your life's path through yoga!
  • Achieve a feeling of happiness!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $37.00
Implementing Yoga
Implementing Yoga For Body And BusinessLearn about implementing yoga for body and business - and discover daily affirmations and how to unlock that inner you to create excellent results! With these strategies, you will have no problems when it comes to understanding the meaning of yoga and how to correctly apply it to your life , which will in turn make your success just that much more attainable!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • The secrets behind what Yoga really is!
  • What yoga can do for you and your life!
  • How yoga can help unlock the inner you!
  • The physical and mental benefits of yoga!
  • Tips for beginners!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $24.95
Raja Yoga
Lessons In Raja YogaAlways wanted to find inner peace and escape the stress from work? Here are some great Raja Yoga techniques to calm your inner self! Lessons in Raja Yoga breaks the mold of all the other yoga instruction books and manuals you have heard and read about. It presents solid, proven steps to help you achieve the oneness of self and understand the states of mind.
Just some of what you will discover:
  • Cultivation of perception!
  • The mental planes!
  • The meaning of the universe!
  • Purification of bodies!
  • Preparation for yoga!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $37.00
Windsor Pilates Guide
Windsor Pilates Guide 
Discover how the Windsor Pilates is noted for its ability to shape and sculpt the entire body and help you lose weight at the same time.
Just some of what you will discover:
  • What is Windsor Pilates!
  • What makes Windsor Pilates different from normal weight training and exercise routines!
  • Special exercises for the midsection or abs sculpting!
  • Windsor Pilates and weight loss techniques!
  • Windsor Pilates for the advanced user!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $9.95
Health & Fitness
Health & Fitness 
Discover simple small changes to your life that can result in big changes to your body! Get healthy and fit.
Just some of what you will discover:
  • Make small changes that result in huge weight loss!
  • Workout without knowing it!
  • Incorporate better nutrition in your diet!
  • Maintain an ideal weight!
  • 21 highly effective health and fitness tips!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $9.95

Health And Beauty
Secrets To Looking And Feeling Younger
Secrets To Looking And Feeling Younger Never before has it been so easy to have all the info you need on Secrets To Looking & Feeling Younger. Discover steps you can take that make you look young and feel better for a healthy long life!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • How you can change your environment to protect yourself from further harm!
  • How to adjust your eating habits!
  • How to change your attitude and lengthen your life!
  • Learn what tests you should be screened for on a regular basis!
  • Reverse some of the damage of heart attack and stroke!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $37.00
Secret Health Factor
The Secret Health Factor Discover the secrets uncovered by someone that has been living in insanely vibrant health for well over a decade! In fact, he hasn't even had a headache for well over a ten years and it's really only due to a simple understanding of what we now call the "Secret Health Factor"!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • What the 'fuel' that your body needs to keep in perfect physical fitness!
  • The secret to eating anything your want without the fear of poisoning your system with preservatives, toxins and other additives!
  • The forgotten ingredient that stops people 'dead in their tracks' from experiencing miraculous healings and long term health!
  • What truly makes pain so powerful and how to eliminate pain and it's "silent secret"!
  • How to get healed with mathematical precision and certainty!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $47.00
Wellness Fitness And You
Wellness Fitness And You Even if you believe you are currently healthy, there is something important to learn in this report on how to achieve maximum wellness and fitness. Being fit and being well are totally different conditions. Your wellness rating is dependent upon your immune system, and what vitamins, supplements, and nutrition you provide for your immune system. Fit people can sometimes be unwell. And well people can sometimes be unfit. However, when you do combine the two, and use sound principles based on clean living, exercise, and healthy eating, you attain a state of equilibrium where you are both fit and well! This ebook shows you the tools, tips and strategies you need to balance wellness and fitness!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • Wellness of the body, spirit and mind!
  • Evaluating your own wellness and fitness needs!
  • Understanding and controlling metabolism in fitness and wellness!
  • The mind, body and soul interconnectivity!
  • How the brain affects our health!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $29.95
Healthy Lifestyle
Living A Healthy Lifestyle When you live a healthier lifestyle, you feel better. You won't be as tired, as run-down, or as exhausted. Eating right and exercising will change your life for the better, let me help put you on a path to a more enjoyable life. 
Just some of what you will discover:
  • The ingredients to a healthy lifestyle!
  • How to beat obesity with a healthy lifestyle!
  • Staying healthy with exercise even if you don't have much time!
  • Managing stress to become healthier!
  • Tips to changing to a healthy lifestyle!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $14.95
The Better And Healthy You
The Better And Healthy You 
Learn how you can become a healthier, happier and more successful person by making a few simple changes to your lifestyle. You will have to make changes to the overall you, not just change the amount of exercise you do or your diet. 
Just some of what you will discover:
  • How to control your weight and cholesterol for healthier living!
  • How to be active and exercise for a healthy lifestyle!
  • Knowing different illnesses and how to fight them!
  • Natural healing powers and how to use them!
  • 12 major tips for a healthy lifestyle!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $19.95
Healthy Computing
Healthy Computing 
Discover how to stay healthy and avoid injury while working long on hours on your computer!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • Selection and arrangement of the components for the workstation, workstation ergonomics and workstation accessories usage!
  • Probable risks and feasible solutions!
  • Computer related disorders, ailments and cure!
  • Some exercises for computer users!
  • Experiences of some computer users from different walks of life!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $19.95
70 Quick And Easy Tips
70 Quick And Easy Tips 
These tips will help you to get healthy and stay healthy so you can spend more quality time with loved ones while you live a better longer life!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • Tips on exercising!
  • Tips on weight loss!
  • Tips on cures for ailments!
  • Tips on general health!
  • Tips on fitness and getting into shape!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $17.00
Health Insurance Guide
Your Guide To Good Health Insurance 
Never before has it been so easy to have all the info you need on Health Insurance! Most insurance plans are so unwieldy and garbled that they make it almost impossible to understand. That’s where Your Guide To Good Health Insurance comes in. This guide is not just another “directory” of health insurance providers who are advertising their products. Written in plain English! That’s correct! We have prepared Your Guide To Good Health Insurance so that anyone can understand the terminology without requiring a law degree!
Just some of what you will discover answers to:
  • What are the different types of health insurance policies?
  • What coverage best suits your needs?
  • How do basic and major medical policies differ?
  • Learn about different types of providers?
  • How do traditional insurers differ from HMOs and what is a PPO?
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $27.00
Mental Health
Mental Health 
This is the most comprehensive ebook on mental health you will ever read! Not only does it include detailed information about numerous types of mental illness but it also includes tips on how to relate to individuals with mental illness! Discover the tools, tips and strategies you need to achieve better mental health!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • All about specific mental health situations!
  • Mental health symptoms!
  • Questions to ask mental health experts!
  • Relating to others with disabilities!
  • Understanding mental illness!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $37.00
Meditation For Everyday Living 
Let me show you how to use meditation for self development! Discover the secrets to meditation to improve your life, exclusive techniques revealed!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • Taking back control using meditation!
  • How to get started!
  • Guided relaxation!
  • Using music and hypnosis in meditation for self development!
  • Fighting bad habits in self development!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $37.00
Vinegar For Your Health
Vinegar For Your Health 
In today's society of miracle medicine, we often overlook things that have been around hundreds of years! Things like Vinegar! This little guide can show you some great ways to improve your health with Vinegar! Now I'm not going to tell you that vinegar can cure anything and everything that may be wrong with you, but it can help bring relief or cure for a lot of common ailments.
Just take a look at small sampling below:
    • Acne
    • Asthma
    • Arthrits pain
    • Blood clotting
    • Blood Pressure
    • Glucose Levels
    • Potassium
    • Weight Loss
    • Colds
    • Cramps
    • Ear Discharge
    • Colitis
    • Gallstones
    • Ulcers
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $6.95
Goin' All Veggies
Goin' All Veggies 
The fact of the matter is that most people are overweight and obese. This is because we eat too much meat and too much fat. Problems such as high blood sugar, Type II diabetes, high cholesterol and other health related problems are caused by our diet. All of these problems can be prevented by becoming a vegetarian. This ebook will show you how to do that and the difference that eating vegetarian can make in your health in a short period of time! This comprehensive guide contains everything you need to know to make a healthy transition to a vegetarian diet and to maximize the benefits of your new diet.
Just some of what you will discover:
  • How to get the nutrients you need while eating vegetarian meals!
  • The four types of vegetarian diets – and how to choose which type is right for you!
  • 7 physical conditions that are directly impacted by a vegetarian diet – discover why many people say they have never felt better in their lives within just weeks of switching to vegetarian diet!
  • Exactly what you need to make the transition to a vegetarian diet as easily as possible – follow these tips and your switch to a meat-free diet will be quick and pain-free!
  • How to transition to a vegetarian diet – you’ll be amazed at how easy it is to do when you follow these simple tips!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $14.95
101 Steps To Better Health
101 Steps To Better Health 
In 101 Steps To Better Health, you will find tips for both health and fitness that will help you lose weight, discover ways to maintain a better healthier lifestyle, and be in the best shape of your life - all the smart way!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • Tips for both health and fitness that will help you lose weight, discover ways to maintain a better healthier lifestyle, and be in the best shape of your life - all the smart way!
  • Health section - which focuses on herbal supplements, weight loss, dieting, rest, and everything you need to know about taking care of your body on the inside. 
  • Fitness section - which has both internal and external benefits. On the outside, fitness includes weight lifting, running, sports, walking, things you can do to enhance, tone, and build muscle. However, fitness also has benefits for the inside such as great cardiovascular benefits among 
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $9.95
Healthier You
Healthier You Discover the secrets to a better body and healthy lifestyle! Keeping your body in a pristine condition should be your highest priority. Keeping yourself physically fit will add years to your life. It's no longer a myth, but a scientific fact that healthier people live longer.
Just some of what you will discover:
  • 4 pillars of health - the keys to a healthier you!
  • How to get fit faster - finding the motivation and time!
  • Dieting - you are what you eat!
  • How to knock out dangerous food additives and preservatives from your diet!
  • All about "free radicals" and "anti-oxidants"!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $19.95
Organic Secrets
Organic Secrets 
Learn how to grow your own healthy organic produce in your garden. If you’re new to organic gardening the in-depth advice on growing over 36 different types of vegetables organically will be indispensable - find out when to sow, maintain your crop and when to harvest to get the very best from your garden. Organic Secrets will help you keep your family healthy and save you hundreds of dollars each year on your shopping bill! If your new to organic gardening the in-depth advice on growing over 36 different types of vegetables will be indispensable - find out when to sow, maintain your crop and when to harvest to get the very best from your garden.
Here are just some of the delicious, healthy, vegetables covered in this great book:
 Broad Beans, French Beans, Runner Beans
 Broccoli & Calabrese
 Brussels Sprouts
 Spring, Summer and Autumn Cabbages
 Corn Salad
 Sweet corn
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $24.95
Organic Gardener
Organic Gardener's Composting Have you always wanted to grow your own vegetables but didn't know what to do? Here are the best tips on how to become a true and envied organic gardener, so you can eat healthier! Without the right tools and information, it could take you years and cost you a small fortune to experiment and find the right formula for growing great organic foods without the need to use chemicals. Instead of spending a fortune on so-called experts or knocking yourself out with the old trial and error method, there is an easier way to enjoy the organic foods you want, homegrown, without spending a fortune on them at the market. The secret is organic composting!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • A simple explanation of composting; how it works, why it’s necessary and how to do it!
  • FAQ's and answers about organic composting!
  • How to find more organic composting than your home/land produces to grow even larger gardens!
  • How to keep down the smell of a compost/waste bucket!
  • A season by season explanation of composting!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $19.95
Eating Healthy
Eating Healthy Secrets to looking younger and feeling fantastic by eating the right healthy foods!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • Healthy eating on a budget!
  • Stimulating your love life with healthy eating!
  • Healthy eating plans for specific medical conditions!
  • Healthy eating plans for specific types of people!
  • Recipes for healthy eating!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $14.95
Eating For Success
Eating For Success The next time you try to work out just why you can’t think straight and get everything you need to get done completed, consider blaming your food. It’s a scary concept- that our thoughts and ability to succeed can be so affected by what we eat, but for millions of people around the globe it’s a day to day war their body and mind pit against each other. Discover how to eat right to be successful at your tasks by using this ebook!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • The three part perfect diet - balance, quality and output!
  • How and what to eat to get more energy!
  • All about hormones and how they effect your success!
  • How and what to eat to get your brain working better!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $9.95
Cooking To Stay In Shape
Cooking To Stay In Shape The common sense guide to cooking and eating healthy for staying in shape!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • How to cook for the best healthy dishes!
  • How to read food labels and what to watch out for!
  • What foods to eat for better health and what you should stay away from!
  • The best methods of cooking for better health!
  • Great snack ideas for a healthy life!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $9.95
Insider Nutrition Secrets
Insider Nutrition Secrets Secrets to living longer and healthier! Have you ever wondered what it might be like to find the long lost Fountain of Youth? We can’t promise you that, but we can give you a close second. Learn the facts about what your body really needs to survive longer and healthier. Discover “insider information” from a former food and drug expert.
Just some of what you will discover answers to:
  • Is it true then that you can eat more and lose weight by combining certain foods?
  • Are there really specific foods that burn fat?
  • Should we be counting calories, carbohydrates or fat?
  • What is a well balanced diet?
  • Why is it that we sometimes crave certain foods?
  • Do we become hungry because our stomach is empty or is it because of something else?
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $37.00
Herbs 101
Herbs 101 This informative ebook will guide you through the steps of planting an herb garden. You will know how to plant fresh herbs and which are likely to grow well in your home. You can also learn how to harvest the herbs and use them in certain dishes. In addition, you can discover ways to dry and store fresh herbs that will enable them to keep their flavor. Best of all, you can learn how different herbs can be used for medicinal purposes, as they have been for thousands of years. There is no greater value than the value of having an herb garden for health benefits!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • How to use the many different herbs in the kitchen!
  • What growing herbs in the garden can do for you!
  • What herb goes in what dish!
  • How to choose the herbs you need!
  • Find out where to get those hard to locate herbs!
  • How to grow your own herb garden!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $17.00
Culinary Herbs
Culinary Herbs Discover how to grow and use the many herbs for cooking and health benefits!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • Descriptions and cultivation for the many herbs!
  • Culinary herbs defined!
  • A dinner of herbs - recipes!
  • Growing herbs yourself!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $19.95
Chinese Herbs
Chinese Herbs Even though the medicinal field of science has developed tremendously over the years, still there is widespread utilization of many alternatives to medicines. The substitutes may include other kind of therapeutic treatments that do not involve direct taking in of pills or tablets rather utilization of natural plant species (herbs) for gaining maximum medicinal benefits. Chinese herbs are one of the great examples which have been consistently in use since 168 B.C.E.
Just some of what you will discover:
  • A general synopsis about the Chinese medications or herbs that are being used nowadays across the globe!
  • Chinese herbs - their importance and effectiveness in our daily working lives!
  • The treatment aspect of the herbs with respect to Constipation, Acne, Arthritis, Diabetes, Cancer, Depression and Intestinal Parasites!
  • How do these herbs help in reducing weight? A major concern for weight-conscious and obese people that can be answered by these Chinese herbs and medication procedures described in our ebook!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $17.00
Pregnancy Nutrition
Pregnancy Nutrition There is no time in your child’s life that nutrition is going to be as important as it is right now, when it hasn’t even drawn its first breath. Proper nutrition and good health are a vital part of having a healthy pregnancy, preventing many major birth defects and decreasing your chance of delivering a premature or low birth weight baby. This book is among the first books to be written with the expertise of a medical expert and from the viewpoint of the average, everyday, ordinary mom. It's the book on pregnancy nutrition you'll actually understand, explained in stages to make it easy for you to give your baby the best chance at being born healthy and happy.
Just some of what you will discover:
  • How nutrition affects how your baby grows!
  • The role that nutrition plays in determining whether or not your child has a birth defect!
  • How to have a healthy baby without giving up your favorite foods!
  • What to do when you can't follow a regular pregnancy “diet”!
  • How to lose those pregnancy pounds afterward quickly and painlessly, even if you’re nursing!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $17.00
Healthy Pregnancy
Pregnancy Guide This ebook will take you through your pregnancy step-by-step, one trimester at a time, and tell you what happens to your body and how to deal with the changes you experience. Discover what to eat and how often, how to safely exercise and how to take care of your body during this critical time.
Just some of what you will discover:
  • Symptoms and health considerations during pregnancy!
  • How to plan for the day your baby arrives!
  • Why it is important to compose a ‘Birth Plan’!
  • How to manage and talk to your doctor and other health care professionals!
  • Find out what happens to your baby at every stage of pregnancy!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $17.00
Total Toddler Care
Total Toddler Care This ebook will show you step-by-step, how to raise a child from infant to toddler!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • Managing baby sleep schedules!
  • Coping with colic!
  • Feeding schedules - tips to getting it right!
  • 5 things to keep in mind with baby care!
  • Baby hazards to be careful of that you may not know
  • Babies cries - what do they mean!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $17.00
Caring For The Elderly
Guide To Dealing And Caring For The ElderlyElder care is rewarding, but not devoid of its challenges. Being a caregiver requires patience; however, you can develop most of the skills required to become a caregiver by using this eBook, “Guide To Dealing And Caring Elderly”. In a very interesting, readable manner, this ebook explains exactly how you can take good care of your elders and see that they remain healthy and fit always. 
Just some of what you will discover:
  • Caring for the elderly - working with their money!
  • Coping with unreasonable behavior when caring for the elderly!
  • Managing your senior citizen’s medications!
  • The golden rule of caring for the elderly revealed!
  • 4 most common ailments affecting the elderly
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $27.95
New Age Handbook
The New Age HandbookA mind, body and spirit reference guide. I show you the tools, tips and strategies you need to balance health and happiness while aging. I leave absolutely nothing out! Everything that I learned about New Age I share with you.
Just some of what you will discover:
  • Techniques behind the new age movement!
  • A history of the new age movement!
  • New age improvement goals!
  • Building self esteem the new age way!
  • The power of the new age coming!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $27.95
Better Choices, Better Life
Better Choices, Better LifeAlways wondered how you could live a healthy life? Here are the best life saving tips on how to improve the quality of your life! You will feel more confident and secure when you master the incredible techniques presented in this special ebook.
Just some of what you will discover:
  • Reduce stress to feel happier and healthier!
  • How to feel and look younger!
  • How to live a long and healthy life by eating healthier!
  • Eliminate negativity from your life to be happier and healthier!
  • Self help tools you can use right away!
  • Age defying concealments!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $37.00
Change Your Life
Change Your LifeAlways wanted to change your way of life? Here is a complete guide on how to become a better person! Do you want to improve your life, develop your interests, beliefs, morals, standards, relationships, principles, values and effectively handle emotional pain? Understanding your mental and physical mind for self development can help you to achieve those goals. I would love to share my secrets with you and my new special ebook on self development does just that!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • Spiritual, mental and physical self development!
  • The link between depression and self development!
  • How to refine your relationships!
  • Benefiting from subliminal self development!
  • Understanding subconscious awareness!
  • Creating and reaching goals!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $37.00
Believe It, Achieve It
Believe ItHow would you like to improve your mind, body and soul to be happy again? This ebook is a complete guide to self improvement and success in everything you do! Let me show you how to be successful for a better, more healthier life!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • 10 ways to start taking control of your life!
  • Your daily program for stress management, positive thinking and self improvement!
  • How to bring innovation into your life!
  • How to be genuinely happy!
  • How to start a healthy life naturally!
  • How to set goals and achieve them for success
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $37.00
Reinventing Yourself
Reinventing YourselfHow does one go about increasing your self-esteem when you’ve been downtrodden for so long? Motivation! I decided I had to find out the right way to motivate myself toward greater heights. What I discovered completely changed my life! I would love to share my secrets with you and my new special ebook on motivation does just that! I leave absolutely nothing out! Everything that I discovered in order to understand motivation I share with you. I show you the tools, tips and strategies you need to motivate yourself and others!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • How motivation increases self-esteem!
  • Motivation and your health!
  • How to keep yourself going - successful motivation methods!
  • Motivation for recovering drug addicts!
  • How to motivate yourself and others!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $27.95
Brain Training
Brain Training - Improving Your MemoryStop Forgetting and Start Remembering...Improve Your Memory In No Time! Don't waste your time and money on fancy tactics and overpriced "help" that may not work... Instead, grab the only source of information based on scientific and proven facts!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • Brain training the modern way!
  • Keeping your brain healthy!
  • Brain training exercises!
  • The effectiveness of brain training!
  • Simple facts about brain training!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $14.95
Brain Training
Brain Training ConversionDo you envy those people who always seem to be intelligent and witty? Do you ever wish you could unlock your own intelligence and wit? This new ebook shows you how to sharpen your memory and age proof your mind!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • Brain enhancement solutions!
  • Developing strategies in brain training!
  • Exercise and brain training!
  • Regenerative abilities of the brain!
  • Secrets and techniques to brain enhancement!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $47.00
Caring For Your Hair
Caring For Your HairTips, tricks and techniques to keeping your hair looking its best! Don't let yourself get caught short with having hair that looks like your always having a bad hair day!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • Great homemade hair care solutions!
  • Beautiful hair from the inside out!
  • The best hair care salon treatments!
  • 5 steps for summer hair care!
  • All about natural organic hair care!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $14.95
Beauty Tips
Beauty TipsTips, tricks and techniques to looking beautiful (makeup, cosmetics, skin care nail care, etc...)! Whether your looking for simple methods or a complete makeover you will find the info in this new "Beauty Tips" ebook!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • 7 things to do for natural beauty!
  • Healthy foods for greater looking skin and beauty!
  • Dealing with dark circles under your eyes!
  • Going organic with makeup!
  • Exclusive tips for teenagers!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $14.95
Wrinkle Reduction And Skin Rejuvenation
Wrinkle Reduction And Skin RejuvenationHey, there’s no way you can stop the aging process but there’s no reason why you can’t fight it kicking and screaming all the way, and this ebook shows you exactly how to fight the aging process! Your skin is the largest single organ of your body. It’s also the most vulnerable. Start informing yourself immediately! There is no reason not to fight the aging process with every tool at your disposal.
Just some of what you will discover:
  • How to treat oily and dry skin!
  • How to protect your skin!
  • How free radicals damage skin cells!
  • Good nutrition and your complexion!
  • All the latest skin care treatments and if they are right for you!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $27.00
Beauty Tips
Beauty & SkincareTips, tricks and techniques to looking beautiful and caring for your skin!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • Care for dry skin!
  • Give your skin the best care possible!
  • Reduce unsightly stretch marks!
  • Start a holistic skin care routine!
  • Keep your hair healthy!
  • Vanish those wrinkles with the help of inexpensive solutions!
  • PLUS 21 effective beauty and skincare tips! 
    Retail Value: $7.95
FashionTips, tricks and techniques to looking your best with latest fashions!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • Choose clothes that make you look slimmer!
  • Be a smart shopper!
  • Making simple changes in your wardrobe for impact!
  • Dress in style and be comfortable too!
  • Shop for clothes when you're on a tight budget!
  • Accentuate your features through colors!
  • PLUS 21 tried and true fashion tips! 
    Retail Value: $7.95

Health Problem Cures And Remedies
Biofeedback Mastery
Biofeedback MasteryAre you in constant pain? Do you wish you could ever just find some relief? If so, you are not alone. Relieving chronic pain can be difficult and frustrating! Discover Biofeedback Mastery so you can get rid of chronic pain once and for all! You’ll be amazed at how simple and easy it is to achieve pain relief withBiofeedback Mastery. You will feel more confident and secure when you master the incredible techniques presented in this special ebook.
Just some of what you will discover:
  • What is Biofeedback?
  • Benefits of Biofeedback!
  • Available Treatments!
  • Biofeedback training!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $37.00
Alternative Medicine
Alternative MedicineIf you are tired of paying the high cost of prescription drugs … if you are tired of worrying about prescription drug side affects … or if you just don’t want to risk becoming dependent on prescription drugs … then have I got great news for you! This new ebook reveals everything you need to know about alternative medicine to begin using its techniques and treatments to heal yourself naturally!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • Many different alternative therapies!
  • Six types of alternative treatments for the skeletal and muscular systems of the body!
  • The alternative medicine techniques of Native American Indians – these techniques have been used effectively for over 40,000 years, according to many experts … and they work just as well today as they ever have!
  • The most popular form of alternative medicine – and five reasons why you should try it to begin feeling better immediately!
  • The type of alternative medicine that 25% of the world’s population practices – along with its five most popular treatment methods and what each can do for you!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $19.95
Be Your Own Doctor
Be Your Own DoctorHave you reached a point in your life when you started feeling unhealthy? Here is some useful information on how to become your own personal physician! Do you want to live longer, happier and healthier? Do you want to improve your life? Do you want to learn the secrets that will make this all possible? While many people would love to be happier and healthier and improve their life, they simply don’t know how to achieve the broad picture until now. I would love to share my secrets with you and my new special ebook on how and when to be your own doctor does just that!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • Helping your body to recover!
  • Vitamins and food supplements!
  • Colon cleansing!
  • The nature and cause of disease!
  • Diet and nutrition!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $37.00
Heal Yourself
You Can Heal YourselfWith the advent of new theories and medical practices, the face of traditional medicine continues to change in today’s world. In addition to standard medical practices, many people are discovering that there can be a distinct health advantage in energy development and self healing practices. But just what is energy development and self healing? And how can it help you to make a most holistic approach to overall health care and well-being? Discover the answers in this new ebook!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • What is energy development and self healing?
  • Subliminal exploration and boosting energy!
  • Brain practices and workouts for self healing!
  • The relationship between vitamins and self healing!
  • Secrets and techniques to fighting depression!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $37.00
Natural Remedies
Natural RemediesDo you suffer from a chronic health problem, but you just can’t seem to find a treatment that works? The ebook Natural Remedies shows you how to use holistic care. Holistic care treats the whole person, rather than just specific areas of the body. The primary difference between holistic care and conventional medicine is that holistic practitioners try to use naturally occurring substances to treat illnesses and disease instead of manufactured chemicals. Additionally, there is a focus on alternative therapies including chiropractic care, acupuncture, massage and even psychotherapy when appropriate. 
Just some of what you will discover:
  • How to treat pain naturally!
  • How to detoxify the body!
  • General wellbeing tips!
  • How to use natural therapy to relieve common health problems!
  • Vitamins and herbs and what they can do for your healthy wellbeing!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $27.00
Natural Herbal Cures And Remedies
Natural Herbal Cures And Remedies Discover the Natural Herbal Cures and Remedies used to treat illness and disease for hundreds of years...STOP using unnecessary drugs and pills, and learn the natural cures doctors never informed you about! 
Just some of what you will discover:
  • Which natural herbs have a combined medicinal and culinary purpose you can use to enhance your health and lifestyle!
  • The danger's of pharmaceutical drugs and how you can avoid the bad drugs and pills!
  • How the Chinese combine their natural medicinal herbs!
  • Natural cures to treat all kinds of disorders...like the common cold or preventing influenza!
  • One of the oldest forms of health care dating back a few hundred years. Alternatives that are very safe and no side-effects!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $19.95
The Complete Handbook Of Natures Cures
The Complete Handbook Of Natures Cures This ebook contains 265 pages full of information on how to Naturally Cure many common ailments and diseases. It contains information on 100's of different diseases and illnesses, as well as the symptoms, causes, and natural treatments for them!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • How "Naturopathy" can correct many bodily disorders and restore health through elements freely available in nature!
  • How "Naturopathy" brings home the basic fact that healing is brought about by the inherent curative powers of the body!
  • The principles and practices of natural cures!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $47.00
Healing Foods
Healing Foods 
In Healing Foods - Important Information You Need For A Healthier Life, you will discover how to use common foods to prevent many of the diseases that our society suffers from!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • How you can cut your risk of heart disease by forty percent with this simple snack!
  • An easy to make drink that can reduce your risk of stroke and ease arthritis pain!
  • A food that can help prevent and control diabetes!
  • Simple foods that can reduce your risk of many types of cancer!
  • A great tasting snack that can help elevate your mood!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $17.00
Herbal Tea Remedies
Herbal Tea Remedies Inside you will find a wide selection of recipes for herbal teas that will have you feeling better in no time. Why fill your body with man-made chemicals and risk the side-effects that many drugs can have, when you can use natural herbal tea remedies?
Just some of what you will discover:
  • Wide selection of recipes for herbal teas that will have you feeling better in no time!
  • Do you suffer from headaches? Try the Headache Relief Tea!
  • Feeling blue? Whip up a batch of Blues Tea and chase away depression!
  • Got a cold or the flu. Drink a cup of Cold and Flu tea to help relieve those nasty symptoms!
  • Maybe you suffer from allergies? Drink Allergy Season Tea during the allergy season and throw away that over the counter medication!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $17.00
Aromatherapy Can Change Your LifeThis ebook discusses Aromatherapy - the ancient healing art - and what it can do to change your life. Although Aromatherapy has been used for thousands of years in parts of the world, it is now becoming a popular alternative healing remedy in the West. In addition to being used to heal minor ailments, the products used in Aromatherapy are 100 percent natural. Because they are all natural and safe for the environment, many people are using essential oils found in Aromatherapy in beauty products.
Just some of what you will discover:
  • The various ways to use aromatherapy - Whether you want to use them as a topical solution or as a scented healing method, there are many different ways to use Aromatherapy in all aspects of your life.
  • Recipes and how to make different products - "Aromatherapy Can Change Your Life" will not only give you easy to understand uses for Aromatherapy, but will also give you many different "recipes" for making products that can be used for healing purposes or beauty products. You can even get practical business tips on how to turn Aromatherapy into a home based business.
  • Which oils should you use and which should you avoid!
  • How can Aromatherapy be used to heal!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $17.00
Aromatherapy For Cynics
Aromatherapy For Cynics You may not believe it, but aromatherapy can be extremely useful in helping heal complicated emotional and medical problems. It can help promote a positive emotional state of being and has been proven to help deal with problems ranging from grief and anger issues to asthma, migraines and even chicken pox. Aromatherapy For Cynics will teach you everything you need to know about the dozens of different types of aromatic products available. It will teach you exactly which products you need and which products you should avoid. Most importantly though, Aromatherapy For Cynics will explain to you the many different methods of applying these materials.
Just some of what you will discover:
  • Why aromatherapy is for you!
  • That aromatherapy really does work!
  • Which essential oils are right for your condition!
  • How to test your oils to guarantee their success!
  • If you can use aromatherapy to lose weight!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $37.00
Essential Aromatherapy
Essential Aromatherapy Do you ever find yourself unable to cope and get through your day? Do you feel the need to soothe your body and mind from the stresses of modern life because of insomnia? Whether you need to simply relax or alleviate the symptoms of illness, aromatherapy could be the answer you’re searching for. Find out if aromatherapy is right for you in this new ebook!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • The history of aromatherapy!
  • How aromatherapy can heal!
  • How to use aromatherapy!
  • How to use aromatherapy in your home!
  • Everything about the essential oils used in aromatherapy!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $37.00
Exploring EFT
Exploring EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique. It works to free the user of both physical and emotional pain and relieve chronic conditions by healing the physical responses our bodies make after we’ve been hurt or experienced pain. EFT uses finger taps on certain parts of the body to reboot your body and get it working better. It’s a combination of both the science of Acupuncture and of Mind Body Medicine. Whereas Acupuncturists need needles, this can be done with nothing more than your own hand. While some people require several sessions, others find one session of EFT can permanently eliminate an issue they have struggled with for years.
Just some of what you will discover:
  • How EFT works!
  • The four steps to using EFT!
  • What the essence of EFT!
  • The setup, sequence and 9 gamut procedure!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $14.95
Stress Reducing
Stress - How To Reduce The Stress In Your Life Have you had it with stress, tight shoulders and aching muscles? Are you sick of the headaches, insomnia, fatigue, overeating and heartburn it causes? Is stress ruining your personal relationships, your productivity and your appearance? Wouldn’t you like to know all of your stress management options available to you and finally take control of your life, instead of letting stress control you? Well now you can! Imagine a calmer, more fulfilling life. Imagine acquiring a restful sleep – every night – waking refreshed and alive. Imagine total mental and physical wellbeing. Discover how in this new ebook!
Just some of what you will discover:
  • The various places you’ll find stress – from home to family life!
  • Specific ways to deal with money-related stress!
  • Relaxation techniques that really work!
  • Medication options and alternatives!
  • The difference between mental and physical stress!
  • Completely natural ways to relieve physical tension!
  • Critical lessons about stress while driving!
  • PLUS Much More! 
    Retail Value: $24.95
Health Cures Extreme Package
Health Cures Collection Inside you will find a wide selection of ebooks that will show you how to understand, treat and cure specific common health problems naturally!
The treatments and cures you will discover for:
  • Internal health problems!
  • External health problems!
  • Health problems that effect both young and old!
Contents Of The Health Cures Collection:
Fear & AnxietyHow To Stop Anxiety AttacksGetting To Know AnxietyAnxiety And Depression
Kicking Fear and Anxiety To The Curb
How To Stop 
Anxiety Attacks
Getting To Know Anxiety
Anxiety & Depression 101
Retail Value: $19.95
Retail Value: $19.95
Retail Value: $17.00
Retail Value: $17.00

Natural Depression CuresHow To Stop Your Depression NowBeating StressDealing With Stress Naturally
Natural Depression 
How To Stop Your Depression Now
Beating Stress
Dealing With Stress Naturally
Retail Value: $37.00
Retail Value: $17.00
Retail Value: $37.00
Retail Value: $37.00

Stress ManagementLiving A Stress Free LifeRelaxation HandbookSleep Well
Stress Management
Living A Stress 
Free Life
The Handbook Of Relaxation
Sleep Well
Retail Value: $17.00
Retail Value: $17.00
Retail Value: $37.00
Retail Value: $19.95

Sleep Like A ProThe Insomnia BattleBeating InsomniaBreaking Bad Habits
Sleep Like 
A Pro
The Insomnia 
Beating Insomnia
Breaking Bad 
Retail Value: $24.95
Retail Value: $17.00
Retail Value: $19.95
Retail Value: $24.95

Kicking The HabitHow To Quit SmokingBad Habit LiberatorHow To Stop Smoking In Week
Kicking The Habit:
A Smokers Guide
How To 
Quit Smoking
The Bad Habit
How To Stop Smoking In Week
Retail Value: $17.00
Retail Value: $37.00
Retail Value: $24.95
Retail Value: $19.95

How To Stop Your Butt Kissing HabitStretch Marks-Prevention And Treatment Understanding Acne: Causes, Cures, & MythsNaturally Cure Your Headaches
How To Stop Your But Kissing Habit
Stretch Marks Prevention & Treat.
Understanding Acne: Causes,Cures,Myths
Naturally Cure 
Your Headaches
Retail Value: $17.00
Retail Value: $17.00
Retail Value: $19.95
Retail Value: $37.00

Headache Happiness101 Tips For Preventing Headaches-Live BetterBad Breath Secrets Help Control Your Stutter
Headache Happiness
101 Tips To 
Prevent Headaches
Bad Breath Secrets
Retail Value: $17.00
Retail Value: $19.95
Retail Value: $17.00
Retail Value: $17.00

Controling Your Glycemic IndexColon CancerBeating Adult DyslexiaAutism
Glycemic 101
Colon Cancer 
Protect Yourself
Adult Dyslexia
Retail Value: $17.00
Retail Value: $17.00
Retail Value: $17.00
Retail Value: $17.00

Bannish FearsAllergy ReliefCure Tennis ElbowGetting Rid Of Warts
Road Map To 
Banish Fears
The Allergy Relief Sourcebook
Cure Tennis Elbow Without Surgery
Get Rid Of Warts,
Moles And Skin Tags
Retail Value: $24.95
Retail Value: $37.00
Retail Value: $17.00
Retail Value: $37.00

Reducing Blood Pressure NaturallyCuring Eczema NaturallyNatural Treatment For PsoriasisNatural Treatment For Dandruff
Reducing Blood Pressure Naturally
Curing Eczema Naturally
Natural Treatments For Arthritis
Natural Treatments For Dandruff
Retail Value: $37.00
Retail Value: $37.00
Retail Value: $37.00
Retail Value: $37.00

Handling Sunburn NaturallyCuring Halitosis NaturallySwine FluCuring Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Handling The Sun &
Sunburn Naturally
Cure Halitosis The
Natural Way
Swine Flu
Curing Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Retail Value: $37.00
Retail Value: $37.00
Retail Value: $17.00
Retail Value: $37.00

Curing PMTFemale PhasesMenopauseGet Rid Of Yeast Infections
Curing Premenstrual Tension Naturally
Understanding The Phases Of The Female Body
Natural Cures 
For Menopause
Getting Rid Of 
Yeast Infections
Retail Value: $37.00
Retail Value: $19.95
Retail Value: $37.00
Retail Value: $37.00

Dealing With AsthmaNatural Pain ManagementDealing With BackpainToothache Remedies
Dealing With 
Asthma Naturally
Natural Pain Management
Dealing With Backpain Naturally
Get Rid Of Toothaches Naturally
Retail Value: $37.00
Retail Value: $37.00
Retail Value: $37.00
Retail Value: $19.95

Dealing With Impotence NaturallyDisorders Of The BrainAlzheimersFree Yourself From Panic Attacks
Dealing With Impotence Naturally
Disorders Of
The Brain
Unraveling Alzheimers Disease
Free Yourself From Panic Attacks
Retail Value: $37.00
Retail Value: $19.95
Retail Value: $37.00
Retail Value: $17.00

Dealing With Flying NaturallyBaby WeaningHow To Stop Your Childs Bedwetting ForeverHead Lice Remedies
Dealing With 
Flying Naturally
Baby Weaning
101 Tips To Stop Bedwetting Forever
Home Remedies 
For Head Lice
Retail Value: $37.00
Retail Value: $14.95
Retail Value: $24.95
Retail Value: $7.95

Other Ebooks In The Health Master Extreme Package:
26 Killer Core/Abs Exercises
40 Stretch Mark Tips
51 Calorie Burning Activities
51 Cerebral Palsy Tips
51 Excessive Sweating Tips
51 Ways For Dealing With Kidney Stones
51 Ways To Cope With Frozen Shoulder Tips
51 Ways To Lower Your Cholesterol
51 Ways To Reduce Allergies
100 Fitness, Vitamins, Weight Loss And Skin Care Articles
500 Bath And Beauty Recipes
Baby Care Review
Body Building Review
Coconut Oil – A Healthy Choice
Coffee Mania – Benefits Of Coffee 
Crush Your Addictions
Dr. Weils Guide To Herbal Medicines 
All About Health Insurance
Health Niche Library 
Low Fat Way To Health
Obesity And Weight Loss
Things You Should Know About Vitamin B12
Guide To West Nile Virus
Eliminating Your Stress
Hair Loss Treatments
Health And Fitness
Meditation - The Guide To Self Enlightenment
Weight Loss Tips
As you can see for yourself, the Health Master Extreme Package is the most complete andbiggest collection of quality health related info-products available anywhere! Why would you get them separately when you have the opportunity to get them all in one package for one low price!
Also, you will receive brand new info products for free when we update this package to make it even bigger and better.
There has never been a better time to get healthy and into shape. Don't waste any more time!

When you order the Health Master Extreme Package you get:
check this out
Over 185 best selling health related info-products worth over $4000.
check this outFree package updates, so that you will always have access to the newest products at no additional cost.
check this out
60 day full money back guarantee.

Instant download to your desktop!
Everything in this package is downloaded (they are not printed books). You will be able to download the Health Master Extreme Package single main PDF file instantly after you place your order, and it is viewable on any computer. It is downloaded in a .zip folder. All you need is Adobe Reader and an unzip program, both are available free and already on most computers. The main file is approximately 2mb in size and takes less than 5 minutes to download on a 56k modem.From within the single main PDF file you will find all the ebook package contents download links; you can download any or all of the individual products separately, any time you wish. You need at least 2 gigabytes of storage space on your hard drive for all the individual title/ebook downloads! Please note that the Health Master Extreme Package requires Windows 95 or higher. It is not compatible with Mac or Linux.

Free Bonus Ebooks!
Government Health Master
Government Health Master 
This ebook directory shows you all the information, publications, and resources the government has available to you on the topic of health, diet and food! The government spends billions of dollars a year on research and development to bring you this information! Now you can tap into it for your own health benefit! 
Retail Value: $9.95
1000 Atkins Diet Recipes
1000 Atkins Diet Recipes 
Thousands have already discovered the miracle, you can do it too - lose weight the easy way! You will never have to wonder what to have for dinner, lunch, breakfast or snacks again! 
Retail Value: $19.95
Delicious Diabetic Recipes
Delicious Diabetic Recipes You'll find recipes for things you may have thought you couldn't have any more, like Fudge, Cakes and Cookies. Well the good news is you can still have all those things you just need some recipes that tell you how to make them! 
Retail Value: $14.95
Salad Recipes
Salad Recipes Collection of easy to make, delicious salad recipes that your family and friends are sure to love! 
Retail Value: $29.95
The Ultimate Salad Recipe Collection
The Ultimate Salad Recipe Collection 
The Ultimate Salad Recipe Collection gives you more than 350 easy-to-follow recipes, including both classic favorites and fresh new ideas. 
Retail Value: $11.95
Smoothies For Athletes
Smoothies For Athletes This great recipe book will make you feel like an athlete! You'll have more energy to tackle all those things you have to get done everyday! Getting more done will help you feel better mentally because you feel like you've accomplished so much more each day! 
Retail Value: $17.00
200 Delicious Smoothie Recipes
200 Delicious Smoothie Recipes Smoothies have become very popular over the last few years. In 200 Delicious Smoothie Recipes, you will find smoothie recipes for any time of day and for any meal, including breakfast. 
Retail Value: $17.00
Delectable Vegetable Dishes
Delectable Vegetable Dishes Vegetables are not everyone's favorite dish, but if you dress it up and make it extra tasty you'll find yourself and your loved ones enjoying eating vegetables. 
Retail Value: $12.95

But that’s not all... Special Free Bonus!
How would you like to make extra money, create a full time income or even a fortune by selling the individual products contained inside the Health Master Extreme Package, as your own business? Well, now you can…

You Can Now Sell This Amazing Collection Of Health And Fitness Info-Products With Master Resell Rights That People Will Be Literally Throwing Money At You To Buy From Your Websites

Most of the info-products contained in the Health Master Extreme Package, come with master resell rights. This means that you can sell the individual products yourself and keep 100% of the profits, and you can pass the master resell rights on to your customers as well. Selling health and fitness information products is an online business in itself.

Many of the individual products contained in the package come with professionally designed sales websites, so you can start selling them immediately. All you have to do is add your order link, email address, and promote your website!

You can sell the individual products contained in the package separately, together, or you can even repackage them.
The individual info-products are “stand alone” internet businesses or income streams with the sales websites provided. This means you have multiple income opportunities to make money online within the health and fitness business niche markets. The sky’s the limit for making money with this package!
The topics of health, fitness, and dieting are some of the most popular niche markets to sell to on the web. People within this niche market purchase “how to”information on this “HOT” topic everyday to make their lives better!
In just a few minutes you could begin selling the individual products contained in theHealth Master Extreme Package as your own business, while you keep 100% of the profits! Plus be getting into shape and living a healthy lifestyle!
You may be saying to yourself “well this all sounds great, but I don’t know anything about using master resell rights or selling info products online”. This is not a problem when you use the free bonus info products you will see below.
Resell Rights 101
Resell Rights 101 
You'll discover step-by-step how to properly operate a resell rights business. The tools you absolutely need and where to get them. What to avoid so that your business doesn't fail before it starts. Discover the smartest way to profit from resell rights! 
Retail Value: $29.95
E- book Marketing Exposed
E - Book Marketing Exposed 
Guide to writing, pricing and marketing your ebooks for profit! 
Retail Value: $12.95
Huge Web Traffic
Free And Low Cost Ways To Huge Web Traffic 
Discover 6 free and low cost ways of generating huge amounts of targeted traffic to your website. Great for businesses operating on a shoestring budget! 
Retail Value: $14.95
Free Traffic Overdrive
Traffic Overdrive 
Top website traffic building strategies to put your website on the high traffic road of the internet super highway! 
Retail Value: $12.95
Think and Grow Rich For Internet Entrepreneurs
Think And Grow Rich For Internet Entrepreneurs 
Learn how to develop a winner's mindset on the internet marketing platform and become successful in the fastest time possible! 
Retail Value: $12.95

How much is this going to cost you?
The ebooks contained in this amazing package could easily sell for hundreds of dollars. In fact, it would cost you over $4000 if you were to purchase all the products separately that are in the Health Master Extreme Package.
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The “Health Master Extreme Package” costs only $29.95 USD
When you make that commitment to getting fit and healthy today, all of this is yours, for the incredibly low one time investment of only $29.95. That's right; you can begin in just minutes for only$29.95 today.

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I understand that this is one of the besthealth info product packages currently available. The Health Master Extreme Package currently contains 185 top selling, quality health & fitness info-products that come with Master Resell Rights and Professionally Designed Sales Websites. I will also receive free updates and get all future versions at no additional cost!
I also understand that my purchase is protected by a 60 day full money back guarantee. If I am not completely satisfied, I will receive a complete refund, no questions asked.
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P.S. This is an amazing opportunity for you to get fit and healthy!
P.P.S. If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase you will be given a full refund, no questions asked!
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