вторник, 5 июня 2012 г.

Discover How You Can Join The Thousands
Of Others Who Have Already Used My Proven
"Cheating" System to Effortlessly Strip Away Countless
Inches From Their Own Hard-to-Lose Problem Areas—
All While Regularly Eating Ice Cream, Devouring Juicy
Burgers, And Indulging In Foods That Most Other
Dieters Can At Best Dream About

No, it’s NOT too good to be true, and in fact, I’ve got more than 300 medical research studies and countless more “real-life” success stories to prove it

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Click Below To Play A Short Message From Joel

Hi, bestselling author and nutritionist Joel Marion here.  In just a minute I’m going to share with you exactly why you must regularly indulge in the foods you love if you plan to achieve the fastest possible fat-loss, but before I do that…

Here it is: the true, behind-the-scenes story of how my most embarrassing “screw-up” as a fitness professional just so happened to be the best mistake I ever made

You know, I’ve been a part of the fitness industry as a personal trainer, nutritionist and author for close to 10 years now.  During that time, I’ve had the opportunity to write for nearly every newsstand publication you can think of, appear on more health and fitness radio shows than I can count, and I’ve even been fortunate enough to have my ideas broadcasted over the airways of some of the most prestigious television networks.

But you know what else?  And this is way more important than any of that:

When it comes to dieting for fat loss, I’m just like you—and I always have been.

You see, on February 18th, 2003 I set out to achieve a very real, personal goal of mine to get into the best physical shape of my life.

And for at least a week prior, I sat there and meticulously mapped out every single item I planned to eat over the course of the next 12 weeks.

The end result?  Exactly what you would expect to see in a “solid” fat-loss nutrition program:  plenty of fruit, veggies, lean protein, and healthy fat.

And of course, none of my favorites.

No pizza, no mac n’ cheese, no ice cream, and certainly none of those mouth-watering chocolate chip cookies that I had grown to love so much over the years.

Surely, it wasn’t going to be an easy ride, but I knew it’s what I absolutely had to do to achieve my goals.

Or was it?

Fast forward three weeks.

I roll out of bed, head to the bathroom, step on the scale and notice that the numbers didn’t change one bit since the day before.  In fact, they hadn’t changed all week.

What the heck, right?

I mean, I’m sitting there doing everything in the world I thought I should be doing, and instead of losing fat as fast as humanly possible like I should have been, the exact opposite was happening—I wasn’t losing fat at all.

Three days and a bunch of cardio later, same story.

(By the way, does any of this sound the least bit familiar?)

By this time, I was feeling pretty discouraged.  Simply put, the fruits of my labor just weren’t adding up to the effort I was putting in—a scenario which ultimately paved the way to my most embarrassing admission:

Maybe a day or two later, I get invited to this party—hosted by Italians.  Need I say more?

Thought so.

I walk in the door and smack dab in front of me is a seemingly endless table spread-full of pasta, meatballs, pastries, and Italian desserts.

But hey, I’m a personal trainer and fitness buff, so I resisted, right?


It didn’t take but fifteen minutes and a single offer to “grab something to eat” before I was living up to my reputation of having the biggest appetite in town.

Plate after plate of Italian goodness—devoured.

It was GREAT.

Until the next morning, of course, when I woke up guilt-ridden feeling like a complete failure.

Yeah, I know, things weren’t going as fast as I would have liked, but so what? 

Bottom line, I made a commitment to myself, and when the going got tough, I broke it.  

Let me ask you a question:  Have you ever felt extremely guilty after eating something you “shouldn’t have” while trying to lose weight?

Believe me, I know how you feel.  Like I said, I’m no different than you.

So did I quit?

Not this time.  Even with my royal screw-up hanging over my head, I knew I needed to get back on track.

So I did what any good fitness pro would do:  I stood up, brushed off the dirt, and got on with the plan.

Now for the really embarrassing part.

pizzaNo more than a few days later, temptation decided to rear its ugly head once again, this time in the form of not one, but two large, freshly baked pizzas sitting on my kitchen table as I walked through the door from a long day at work.

Apparently, my roommates at the time didn’t much care that I was “on a diet”.  Nice looking out, guys.

So I get offered a slice, and naturally (so as not to be rude, of course) I accept.

Before you knew it, that one slice turned to two, then three, and it wasn’t long before I had put the finishing touches on nearly an entire large pizza.

Can you just imagine what I’m thinking at this point?

Just in case you can’t, let me get you up to speed:  I’m thinking I might as well find a new freakin’ career path because I can’t even manage to resist the same cravings I regularly tell my clients to withstand.

Talk about a humbling experience.

So you’re probably wondering, did I quit after yet another “screw-up”?    Surprisingly, (even to me) I didn’t.

Believe it or not, the next day I woke up, did some cardio, and actually managed to have a pretty successful remainder of the week diet-wise.

Then, the day I had been dreading—weigh-in day—finally rolled around.

To be honest, I stepped on the scale that day for one reason:  to find out just how much ground I had lost—and would therefore have to make up—over the course of that last week.

Well, I never found out that number.

No, it’s not that my fat butt broke the scale, and no, I didn’t suddenly, albeit conveniently, forget how to read.

You see, when I looked down at the scale that day, I discovered something pretty unreal—despite having just experienced the most undedicated week of my entire dietary life, I somehow managed to lose three pounds.

A simple weigh-in fluke?  I’m right there with you, but get this:  No more than a few seconds later I grabbed the measuring tape from the bathroom sink only to find out that my waist measurement went down a full inch to boot.


I was floored.  This made absolutely no sense to me (at least at the time it didn’t; now, it makes all the sense in the world, and I’ll soon fill you in).

So what in God’s name happened?

How in the world did a week full of pizza, pasta, and pastriespull me straight out of a fat loss rut and supercharge my results way beyond what I was able to accomplish by staying “strict” with my diet for weeks beforehand?

Is there an explanation?

You better believe there is.

In fact, I’ll go as far as to say that the information I’m about to share with you will probably prove to be the biggest “ah-ha” moment you’ve ever had.

You see, if you’ve ever started a diet only to quit a few weeks later from a lack of results—if you’ve ever seemingly done everything right only to find that the scale wouldn’t reward you for your efforts—or if you’ve ever given up your favorite foods in the name of health and weight loss only to later discover that the sacrifice didn’t quite pan out, I’m here to tell you…

It’s NOT Your Fault

Simply put, “diets” can’t work.

If you tried ‘em and failed, you’re just like 99% of the rest of the world, myself included:  normal.

You see, any time you restrict calories, you literally “program” your body to fight against your every effort to lose weight.

Not quite making sense?  Time for a little history lesson.

Think back for just a minute to the time in which our ancestors roamed the earth.  You know, the hunter and gather, feast and famine type days.

ancestorsFor those individuals, survival was king, and in order to survive, they had to do the whole “eating” thing just like us.

Unfortunately, things weren’t quite as easy for this group as they are today.  No supermarkets.  No drive-through meal deals.  Instead, when our primitive ancestors wanted a nice steak, they had to gofind it.

This inevitably meant that there were plenty of instances in which our yester-year counterparts went without food for days at a time.  And at other times, namely during the winter months, their bodies were forced to get by on very little daily food and calories.

And the reason why they didn’t die?  There’s only one—the body’s natural defense against starvation.

Don’t get enough calories for an extended period of time?  No problem, the body simply causes ”bad” hormones, fat storage enzymes, and hunger to all increase while “good” hormones, metabolism, and fat burning enzymes all take a dive.

Enter “starvation mode”.

Friend to our ancestors; anything but to the dieter.

You see, dieting, although planned, is nothing more than a lesser degree of premeditated starvation.

Go on a diet—any diet—and it wont be long until the body begins fighting for every ounce of your body fat.  You want to lose it; it wants to keep it.  And guess what?  It wins every time.

Sad scenario, I know.

But what if there was some way to “trick” your body into thinking you aren’t dieting when you actually are?

What if you could essentially “block” the body from entering starvation mode, keeping fat burning at its highest point, week after week?

Well, you can.

cakeAnd even better news—you can do it by strategically “cheating” on your diet with all your favorite foods.

Is it apple pie that you crave?  Chocolate chip cookies (like me)?  Or maybe just the freedom to order whatever you want from your favorite restaurant’s menu?  Whatever it is, believe it or not, you can actually use those foods to help you lose fatfaster.

But it needs to be strategic, and in Cheat Your Way Thin, that’s exactly what I teach you how to do.

"I Eat BOXES Of Glorious Cereal Each Week While Maintaining 4% Body Fat..."

The Cheat Your Way Thin program has been one of the coolest things I've ever had the opportunity to do. To be honest, it's fantastic.
For a fitness model who needs to stay in top condition year round, Cheat Your Way Thin has proved to be the easiest, most effective, realistic means for me to do so.

The most exciting part is I get to revisit my childhood days of putting away mounds--scratch that--BOXES of glorious cereal on a weekly basis all while maintaining 4% body fat and getting more work now than ever before.  For me, the Cheat Your Way Thin program has become a way of life-- a diet that I can live with. 
John Romaniello, Fitness Model
Long Island, New York

"I Dropped 30 Pounds DURING The Holidays!"

I started the program the week before Thanksgiving and it was my year to have all of my family over for both Thanksgiving and Christmas.
With Cheat Your Way Thin Joel taught me how to use periodic cheating during the holidays tospeed along my progress, and I think my progress pretty much speaks for itself!

The way I feel about myself and the confidence that following this program has given me is indescribable.  I thank God everyday that this program found its way into my home.  I feel like a brand new person.  When I go shopping at the mall, I can go into those cute hip stores again. I can shop for “smalls”.  I can show off what I have worked so hard for in a bikini this summer for the first time in over 4 years.

Thank you, thank you, thank you Cheat Your Way Thin!!!

Teri Hilsman
Madison, Georgia

"I Lost 48 LBS And Never Felt Like I Was Dieting..."

Before finding The Cheat Your Way Thin program, both my wife and I had been suffering from major dietary boredom and burnout.  Virtually every traditional diet we've tried called for the same day-in, day-out eating pattern-- same calorie intake, same foods, same monotonous set-up.  Then we came across Joel's program, and wow, how refreshing!  Over the last sixteen weeks, Carrie and I have together lost close more than 70 lbs (48 myself!), but the best part-- the variety of The Cheat Your Way Thin program is such that we don't even feel like we're dieting.  Not only that, but in addition to all the weekly diversity, we're able to frequently take a break from all dieting and eat whatever we want-- without feeling guilty!  This is a diet for "normal" people, and it has helped us to actually start enjoying eating and living healthy again.

Monty and Carrie Ritchie
Grand Island, Nebraska

"At Best I'd Last A Month On Any Diet...Now I've Maintained The 20 LBS I Lost For 6 Months!"
(Proud Mother Of Two!)

Prior to Cheat Your Way Thin, the longest I lasted on any sort of "diet" was about a month or so.  That's when the cravings would really start to kick in and I'd fall victim to them every time.  I just didn't have the willpower it took to stay on a diet, or at least that's what I thought.

Then I read about Joel's Cheat Your Way Thin program and how he actually encourages dieters to cheat on a regular basis.  I was definitely a pro at cheating, so I decided to give it a try.  Instead of being emotionally distraught with random "screw ups", the weekly planned cheating of the Cheat Your Way Thin program had me cheating with a purpose.  Finally, I found a diet that I can actually stick to.  Six months later, I'm still maintaining the 20 lbs of fat I lost (From 127 to 107 at 5'2") and love the energy I have each day to spend on my kids.

Christina Jenkins
Fredericksburg, Virginia

“So how does strategic cheating override the starvation protection mechanism?”

That’s a good question, and one I’m more than happy to answer.

You see, my series of screw-ups and subsequent “discovery” back in 2003 were simply the sparks that ignited what is now a full-out, blazing “Cheat Your Way Thin” fire.

Fact is, I’ve personally worked with hundreds—scratch that—thousands of real people all over the world with the exact approach I’m about to hand over to you today.

And even more, it’s an approach that I developed and perfected through a real 73 months of tedious research.

Can you just imagine going through hundreds of scientific journals and research papers detailing the most recent facts and findings about the regulation of bodyweight and metabolism?

Fortunately, you’ll never have to, because I’ve already put in the blood, sweat, and tears into doing it all for you.

And here’s just a very brief explanation of
what the research shows:

sandwichIt takes the body about one week of calorie restriction to substantially trigger “starvation mode” and perpetuate the negative adaptations we discussed previously (decreased metabolism, slowed/stalled fat loss, etc).

On the other hand, it takes a much shorter period of time to reverse these trends via strategic practices of “overfeeding” or dietary “cheating”.

Essentially, by incorporating bursts of strategic cheating like I teach in Cheat Your Way Thin, you can literally turn your metabolism into your fat burning slave by ensuring you always have an internal environment primed for burning fat—and you do it with your favorite foods. 

Oh, and did I mention just how HUGE that is psychologically?

Remember those feelings of guilt and failure I experienced when I first “cheated” back in 2003?  Never again.  Now when I cheat, it’s planned.  And each time I do, I walk away knowing that I just acceleratedmy progress.

Frankly, it doesn’t get much better than knowing that you just used your favorite desert to speed along fat loss.

Anxiety?  Nope.  When cravings arise, there is major comfort in knowing that you’ll be able to enjoy that very food in just a few short days when your next cheat session rolls around.

Feelings of discouragement and decreased motivation?  Definitely with other diets, but with Cheat Your Way Thin, you’ll actually be excited to step on the scale week after week to view the consistent, steady progress that regular, strategic cheating yields.

Simply put, strategic cheating solves the dietary dilemma by providing you with powerful metabolic benefits and perhaps even more powerful psychological ones.

"I Went From The Guy Who Didn't Fit In At
Modeling Shoots To Having People Think I'm
One Of The Models!"

After abandoning corporate life for photography, I spent a lot of time on shoots surrounded by beautiful models. I soon realized that one of these people didn't fit in – me! I was not happy with myself and I decided to learn as much as I could about nutrition and exercise. After reading as much as I could I quickly realized that, unlike other diets, Joel's program actually answered all my questions as to how eating, exercise and metabolism are related. This is not a fad diet! There's no need to ever feel hungry or deprived. I never get bored, in fact, with this plan I enjoy more variety in my diet than ever before. 
The Cheat Your Way Thin program educates you about what your body needs, so that no matter where you are, or what's available, you can make informed decisions about what you eat. It's the only program that I've followed that's been realistic for me to continue long-term. I went from being the guy who didn't fit in at modeling shoots to having people assume that I am one of the models. It doesn't get any better than that!

Edward Avila 
Los Angeles, California

"BY FAR The Most Fun 'Diet' I've Ever Been On..."

I have to admit, I was a bit skeptical about this whole “cheating” thing when Joel first introduced me to it me a few months ago.  My first cheat day was filled with lattes, French toast, pizza, ice cream, and a couple cookies to top it off—I definitely felt like I was breaking the rules.

Would this, could this possibly work?

Well, I guess the answer is in the mirror—YES, it can…and it does!

With the Cheat Your Way Thin system, I’m back into my “skinny” jeans, have made aton of progress, and still my body is changing each and every week.  Beyond that, this is BY FAR the most fun "diet" I have ever been on!

Kirsten Erickson 
St. Paul, Minnesota

"The People Who Use Joel's Teaching Get Lean And Cut.  The People Who Don't, Stay Fat. It's That Simple."

In the Cheat Your Way Thin program Joel Marion teaches the science of fat loss in a conversational and easy to understand way.

I personally practice and teach his "cheating methods" to ALL of my clients. I have done so for years. The reason I teach it?

It works.

The people who follow his plan get lean and cut. The people that don't, stay fat.Plain and simple.

If you've failed with other programs in the past and you want to get thin, buy this program, read the book, and then follow his program manual to the letter.

I promise you it will be one of the best decisions you've ever made.

Curtis Ludlow, CSCS
Orange County, California

THE EXECUTION:  Killing Off The “Old Style”
Of Dead End Dieting Once And For All

Stalled fat loss, decreased muscle mass, battered metabolism, psychological defeat—every single diet that restricts calories over the long term falls victim to these “dead end” finales.

At best, you struggle and sacrifice to lose more muscle than actual fat and finish with a metabolism so beaten down and useless that the minute you even try to resume some form of normal eating pattern the weight comes piling back on.

Sound familiar?

Well, I’m here to tell you that today it’s over With the creation of the Cheat Your Way Thin program, “dead end” dieting is officially DEAD.


  • Destroys your metabolism through week after week of calorie restriction
  • Protects your metabolism throughout the entire course of your fat loss journey via strategic cheating and calorie manipulation
  • Leads to massive breakdown of muscle tissue, further decreasing metabolic rate
  • Promotes maintenance of calorie-burning lean muscle tissue as you strip away fat
  • Causes any “weight” loss that does occur to be quickly reversed when normal eating is resumed due to damaged metabolism
  • Ensures lost fat stays lost when you reach your goal as metabolism is preserved, not destroyed
  • Requires that you give up your favorite foods for weeks and months at a time—highly unrealistic
  • Requires that you regularly indulge in your favorite foodsextremely practical
  • Provides no psychological outlet to take a break from dieting and enjoysubstantial quantities of food
  • No 100-calorie snack-packs here;substantially quantities are a must, especially when you cheat
  • Inevitably leads to stalled fat loss and fat loss plateaus
  • Produces measurable, consistent results, week after week after week
  • Frustrating; miserable
  • Exciting; enjoyable
  • Plummets natural hormone levels causing decreased sex drive and overall lethargy
  • Maintains natural hormone levels forincreased energy and libido
  • Works against the body
  • Works with the body

So which diets qualify as a dead-end diet?  Virtually ALL of them.  Add a tweak or two along with a new cover and name and you’ve got the same friggin’ diet packaged 90 different ways, all sharing the same exact problem:

They all restrict calories and they all eventually lead you down that same dead-end road.

You see, the reason why you’ve struggled with these other diets is simply because they unknowingly set you up to fail.  It’s not that you failed, it’s that they failed you.

That, my friend, ends today.

“Alright, Joel, it’s pretty clear that strategic cheating is the solution to the whole slew of problems that ‘Dead-end Diets’ create.  But what’s the program look like when I’m not‘cheating’?”

So you probably figured out by now that at least some portion of the diet needs to be spent in a caloric deficit for fat loss to occur—with Cheat Your Way Thin, we just make sure that portion actually “works”.

That said, one of the coolest things about this program is the extremely diverse range of food choices I give you even during “diet” time.  For instance, one day you may find yourself enjoying a nice flavorful NY Strip, while the next you’re taking down a plate of linguine Bolognese.  Beef, chicken, fish, pork and just about any other protein you can think of; fruits, veggies, and even bread, pasta, potatoes and rice are all “fair game”, just strategically timed to ensure the absolute fastest fat loss in conjunction with your scheduled “cheats”.

Which leads me to the next unique component of the Cheat Your Way Thin program.

The Science Beyond The Cheat

Another really interesting thing I discovered while sorting through the research is how strongly correlated the body’s starvation mechanisms are with carbohydrate intake.

In fact, I’ve found they’re so closely connected that it’s possible to make strategic manipulations in both carbohydrate type and amount—even during “diet” time—to further increase metabolism and avoid starvation mode.

This is where Cheat Your Way Thin gives you a double dose of metabolism stimulation and protection.

First, you get the powerful metabolism boosting effects of highly-strategic dietary cheating; then, on top of it, you further preserve metabolism at other times via a few extremely simple tweaks to your daily menu each day—tweaks that give you more options, more variety, and most importantly, more results.

I'll also show you:

  • The truth about fat and why you absolutely NEED to regularly consume this nutrient for the fastest fat loss results
  • Why eliminating carbohydrates from your diet is perhaps the biggest mistake you could ever make while attempting to lose fat, and how you can strategically use this the "right" carbs to literally turn your metabolism into your fat burning slave
  • How one simple adjustment to the way you structure your meals can increase metabolism by 20% or more, allowing you to eat even more food while losing fat even faster
  • The secret to meal timing that will keep your body continually feeding on fat stores day after dayand NOT calorie-burning lean muscle
  • A simple method you can begin putting into action today to achieve optimal fat loss without ever counting a single calorie or tediously measuring out your food ever again
  • How to strategically time your exercise sessions around your cheat sessions to literally double your weekly rate of fat loss

And honestly, that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Basically, with this program I did all your science homework for you, neatly arranged it into a stylish variety-filled plan, and then supercharged it with a set-up to make certain you experience the most rapid, cutting-edge fat loss you could ever possibly imagine—all without ever having to give up a single one of your favorite foods again.

It’s all strategy—delivered straight to you in simplest form:

The Cheat Your Way Thin Complete
Program Package

Cheat Your Way Thin Package

Cheat Your Way Thin ProgramComponent 1: The Program Manual ($197 Value) – This is the full-on “specs” manual that details everything you need to know about the diet including what to eat, when to eat it, detailed food lists, charts, tables, FAQs, and 4 different variations of the program to suit your individual preferences and needs.

Here at my office, my dietary program design services start at $197, so when I say you’re getting a real $197 value here, that’sexactly what you’re getting.

And I’m not even close to being done.

confessions audioComponent 2:  Confessions of a Habitual Cheater ($27 Value) – In this candid audio I go into even more detail about the creation of the Cheat Your Way Thin program and exactly how my big “screw up” becomes your ultimate ally when you learn precisely how to harness the power of strategic cheating.

game changer audioComponent 3:  The “Game-Changer” Audio
 ($27 Value) – Simply put, Cheat Your Way Thin is changing the way the fat loss game is being played for dieters all over the world, and when you choose to invest in this program today, it will do the same for you.

I think you’ll find this audio to be one of the most interesting discussions of dieting, psychology, and the human bodyanywhere, and most importantly, it will further open up your eyes as to why this style of dieting is the answer to years of dietary struggle.

Frankly, while it’s nice to know exactly “what” to do, it’s extremely easy to lose faith, motivation, and focus when you don’t fully grasp the “why”.  This audio will make sure that never happens (while being pretty darn intriguing to boot).

strategies videoComponent 4: The Cheat Your Way Thin No-Fail Strategies Video ($47 Value) – Make no mistake, planning is absolutely essential to your success, and that’s exactly why I took the time to create this powerful video packed-out with practical, actionable strategies for your immediate use. 

By applying the easy-to-implement strategies I openly share in this video, never again will you have to turn down an invitation to “go grab something to eat” or sacrifice any aspect of the program while “on the road”.

I cover it all.  Dining out?  Check.  Travel?  Check.  Easy meal prep?  Triple check.

In fact, I’ll take things one step further and guarantee that this one video will pay for the cost of theentire program 15 times over in saved time, energy, frustration, and effort.  Just apply and simplify.

quick reference cardsComponent 5:  Ultra-Easy Quick-Reference Cards ($27 Value) – In the Cheat Your Way Thin program you will find that there are several different “types” of days.  With these Ultra-Easy Quick Reference Cards, you’ll never be in doubt of what to eat on each.  Complete with specific guidelines and food lists these portable cards add yet another degree of ease to the daily flow and overall implementation of the program.

success journalComponent 6:  The Cheat Your Way Thin Workbook & Success Journal 
($47 Value) – It’s a proven fact that keeping a journal and logging your experience with any diet and/or exercise program increases success rates and overall resultsexponentially.  Literally everyone I know who has a made a dramatic change to their body has done this.  This workbook makes the whole “recording” process easy with both daily andweekly log sheets and questionnaires—an invaluable tool when it comes to getting the most out of your program.

checklistComponent 7:  The Cheat Your Way Thin Pre-program Quick-start Checklist ($47 Value) – Alright, so you’re just about ready to begin the program and you want to make sure you have everything lined up for success.  Not a problem, as I’m also providing you with a detailed step-by-step, itemized checklist toensure you have everything in place leading up to your “official” first day.

And today, you have the opportunity to get the entire 7-component, $419 package
at the seriously discounted price of:

$97 $47

Don’t rub your eyes; it’s not a typo.

It’s a real, heavily discounted rate only being offered for a limited time.

Simply put, I want to put this powerful information into your hands today at an extremely affordable price.  To be frank, I could charge five times that amount and it’d still be an incredible value, but I’m not going to do that—at least not today.

Let me be frank:  I want to help people
who are ready to take action.

People who are fed up with “dead-end dieting” and are ready to experience just how powerful (andenjoyable) an approach like Cheat Your Way Thin can be.

On this page, I was careful to lay it all out for you—plain and simple; black and white.

More hopeless calorie restriction?

Or a fun, easy system that actually works?

The choice is yours.

"I've Never Been Able To Stick To A Diet Until Now..."

In eight weeks, I cheated to drop 18 lbs and 14.5 inches!  I'm now fitting back into jeans I wore almost 10 years ago in high school, and there's no way I would have been able to do it without The Cheat Your Way Thin program.  I've never been able to stick to a diet because I've never been able to week after week deprive myself of my most favorite foods; well, with The Cheat Your Way Thin program, I didn't have to!  I've gotten so many compliments from friends and family members, and even just recently bought some new "sexy" clothing to wear out.  My boyfriend is proud of me, I'm proud of myself, and I'm both looking and feeling great!

Erin McGuire
Arlington, Virginia

"I Used Joel's Strategies To Get Into The Best Shape Of My Life..."

Strategic cheat meals are now a BIG part of my own nutritional plan. Just recently I trained for and competed in my first two fitness model contests and used Joel’s cheat strategies to get into the best shape of my life.
Joel showed me how using cheat meals most certainly can be to your benefit, provided they are planned and not accidental. If there is anything I can recommend to you, it’s that you listen to what Joel teaches in the Cheat Your Way Thin system and remember to cheat with intent and most importantly...CHEAT TO WIN!

Ian Graham, CPT, Fitness Model
Dublin, Ireland

"I Used To Cheat And Fail Miserably...Now I Cheat To WIN!"

The Cheat Your Way Thin program has been one of the most effective diets I have ever been on.  I consistently lost weight and inches week after week, leaving me downmore than 30 inches and 35 pounds in only 10 weeks!  On other diets, I've always had uncontrollable cravings and would end up cheating.  On The Cheat Your Way Thin program, frequent cheating is a major reason why I've been able to achieve such great success!  With the addition of more carbs every couple of days, I almost never feel hungry during the week.  Furthermore, in the rare event that I do get a craving, I am able to easily resist knowing that another Cheat Day where I'm able to eat literally anything I want is just around the corner.

Annette Sassin
Westminster, Colorado

"I Got Straight Up 'Ripped' While Eating Pizza!"

This is the leanest I've ever been!  Thanks to the Cheat Your Way Thin program, I've reached my goal of stripping away the last 15 lbs of fat and getting into "serious" condition.  And the best part is, it wasn't even hard!  With other diets, there was never anything to look foward to--only more dieting.  With Cheat Your Way Thin, I actually thoroughly enjoyed the process, and it's something I will continue to use for a long time to come.

Paul N.
Canberra, Australia

“But What if it Doesn’t Work for Me?”

Then it’s all FREE.

Listen, I know firsthand just how much of an impact this program is going to have on your body and your life once you make that decisive first move to take action and gain access to this exclusive information.

That’s why when you act today I want to make that decision extremely easy for you by extending to you my Iron-clad, No-questions-asked, Over-the-top 60-day Money-back Guarantee:

If at any point over the course of the next 60 days you are not satisfied with your investment in the Cheat Your Way Thin system, simply contact me and I will return to you every single penny you paid.

That’s right, I’m giving you a full eight weeks to evaluate the entire program, and if for any reason you don’t believe it’s the best fat loss program you’ve ever come across, you pay nothing.

You see, I can make an over-the-top guarantee like this for one simple reason:   I’ve researched it, I’ve tested it, and I’ve perfected it.  The program flat out works.

Test it for yourself.  Experience the results for yourself.  And if it’s not everything I’ve told you it is, I’ll give you a full refund and allow you to keep the entire system just for giving it an honest try.

Now THAT is what I call a more-than-fair deal, wouldn’t you agree?

Will You Order Right Now?

If not, let me ask you a question:

Are you not going to order today because of skepticism?  Perhaps maybe—even after everything I’ve shared with you on this page—you don’t believe that the program will work, or at least work for you.

Perhaps you’re thinking, “Joel, you don’t understand…”

“I have too much to lose.”

“My whole family is overweight.”

“My metabolism is too slow.”

“I don’t have the time, the resources, the energy.”

Can I share something with you?  All of these things are nothing more than downright, dirty, rotten, self-imposed, self-limiting excuses.

Sure, excuses like these always seem valid to the person making them (and believe me, even I have to check myself from time to time), but if we’re being real here, let’s call it like it is:  they’re cop-outs.

Are you going to let your “reasons” and “excuses” stop you from achieving your best?  From attaining your goals?  From becoming the person you are supposed to become?


The fact is this: while you may have indeed struggled with diets and weight loss in the past, you did so for one simple reason – these programs set you up to fail.

They couldn’t work, and despite your best efforts, they failed you, not vice versa.

Then there’s Cheat Your Way Thin, a program that gets rid of all the lies about “why you can’t do it” by giving you the complete opposite of what these other programs offer:  a system that scientifically stacks the deck in your favor, both physically and psychologically, to ensure you succeed.

You see, it doesn’t matter if you’re male or female, young or old, or if you have as little as ten or as much as a hundred pounds to lose—the principles of this program work across the board, and when you allow yourself to break free from the reasons of your past, you’ll find that they’ll work for you, too.

Don’t let another “reason” stand in the way of you and the body you deserve.  With this program, youcan and will succeed—or it’s free.

You have the guarantee, you have the facts; the rest, as always, is up to you.

In health, fitness, and an overall love for life,

Joel Marion, CISSN, NSCA-CPT
Men’s Fitness Training Advisory Team
LifeScript.com Women’s Fitness Expert Panel

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